How can we best support gospel growth beyond our church? — with Mikey Lynch

Posted on March 14, 2023 
Filed under Encouragement, Evangelism, Resources

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“How might our church best relate to other organisations (churches, denominations and parachurches) who are also engaged in the grand cause of reaching the world for Christ?

What is the difference between a church and parachurch and how might they best interact? …

Mikey Lynch is a Director of Reach Australia and is the new editorial director for the Gospel Coalition Australia. Mikey leads the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students staff team doing ministry in Hobart at the University of Tasmania.

Matthias Media have just released his new book ‘The Vine Movement – supporting gospel growth beyond your church.’…”

Watch or listen here.

And also note how you can support the coming “Heart of GAFCON” broadcasts from Kigali.