Godliness and good learning

Posted on May 3, 2008 
Filed under Resources

The Future of Justification: A Response to NT WrightMike Ovey, now the Principal of Oak Hill College in London, reviews John Piper’s book, “The Future of Justification: A Response to N T Wright” –

“In one sense, Piper’s thesis can be simply stated: the traditional Reformation understanding of justification by faith, whereby God counts me righteous because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone, is correct. Christ’s righteousness is imputed to me in my union with Christ, not imparted nor infused, and is sufficient, such that my justification does not depend on what I work after my conversion, although my life can and should evidence what Christ has done for me. My heart warms as I summarise these simple but profound truths of traditional evangelical belief. …”

– from the Oak Hill website.
(The book is available from Moore Books in Sydney. It’s also available as a free PDF download at DesiringGod.org)