General Synod Day 2 – A “healing” debate?

Posted on May 10, 2022 
Filed under Anglican Church of Australia, General Synod

“Day 2 of General Synod has drawn to a close and I think it’s fair to say that the consensus is that, all in all, it’s been a good day. …

As we’ve previously reported, Synod is considering a set of ‘statements’” setting out an orthodox position on marriage and sexual activity which also clearly state that we proscribe solemnisation or blessing of a same-sex marriage.

It’s fair to say that there has been some tension and anxiety leading up to this moment. Indeed previous attempts to schedule a General Synod had been designed to avoid such a debate. So it is my pleasure to report that the debate was very well handled by all involved. In large part this is due, by wide acknowledgement, to the excellent work as chair that the Primate Archbishop Geoff Smith is doing. … while we are still divided in our position, the mood was as good as perhaps it could have been with strongly-held views expressed almost universally in helpful and conciliatory manner. …”

David Ould reports on Day 2 of General Synod, with the debate on same-sex marriage taking centre stage. A vote is expected on the amended Statement (by Houses?) late Wednesday morning.