Four ways Christians should share their faith that are actually effective

Posted on April 8, 2018 
Filed under Encouragement, Resources

“This is a great time to be a Christian. Not an easy time – but an exciting one.

I know it doesn’t look that way. Spend a few minutes on your social media feed, and you’ll see just how lost and broken we are right now. Ours is a world full of contradiction and confusion. And it’s not a great place to be a Christian: We’re now seen by most of the world as intolerant and irrelevant. Yet, while the end of Christendom may surprise and scare many us, that’s not true of God. …

And in a time so confusing, so transient, so difficult, God is calling us to be bold and strong – to have courage. He will accomplish His purposes. He will carry out His mission. And He is inviting us to join Him in making disciples of Jesus Christ among all tribes, tongues and nations despite the social climate.”

Read another encouraging article on gospelling – this one from Matt Chandler.