Forward on our knees

Posted on September 23, 2011 
Filed under Sydney Diocese

“From time to time, people ask me (often in a lugubrious, ‘I knew it would never happen’ tone of voice) how I feel, given that so far we have not seen 10 per cent of the population of our region attending Bible-based churches although our Mission is now more than eight years old. They seem to think that I may be terribly despondent.

The answer is that while I have always wanted to see many more people come to know Christ, I have such confidence in the wisdom and power of God not to be at all cast down. Among other things, we do not as yet know how the Lord will answer our prayers. …”

– Archbishop Peter Jensen reminds Sydney Anglicans that there’s only one way forward. (Image: The phrase about advancing ‘on your knees’ is attributed to Hudson Taylor.)