Five Books to Read Before Easter

Posted on March 7, 2008 
Filed under Resources

Pierced for our TransgressionsTim Challies, widely respected Christian blogger from Toronto, is suggesting five books to read before Easter. That doesn’t leave much time! Perhaps starting one book would be more realistic.

One of Challies’ recommendations, Pierced for Our Transgressions by Steve Jeffery, Mike Ovey and Andrew Sach, has been described by J. I. Packer as ‘an epoch-making tour de force’.

Dr. Peter O’Brien writes – ‘This is a very significant book… Every major objection to penal substitution has been considered, and courteously but firmly answered.’

Dr. Mark Thompson writes – ‘Pierced for our Transgressions is carefully argued and richly edifying.’

What better time than Easter to turn your thoughts to the saving work of Christ on the Cross. (For Challies’ five suggested books, see