Evangelicals in the Church of England are running out of options

Posted on June 28, 2023 
Filed under Church of England, Culture wars

“The Prayers of Love and Faith bus has departed and there is nothing CEEC can now do to stop it.

At the pre-Synod press briefing on June 22, the Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, said the new services ‘are on track for November’. CofE evangelicals now belong to a denomination whose leadership has forsaken the traditional Christian sexual ethic and has earned the condemnation of the overwhelming majority of the worldwide Anglican Communion for doing so. …

It is actually not too late for CEEC to start to co-ordinate an exit strategy out of the CofE. The large evangelical churches among its members have resources and they could lead the way. Of course, leaving would be difficult, risky and messy.”

An opinion piece in Christian Today by former CofE vicar Julian Mann.

Image: Members stand to seek the call at the Church of England’s General Synod in February 2023.

Related, from the General Synod meeting – good news is preached, even if the majority choose to close their ears:

Be encouraged again by Ben John’s appeal to the Church of England General Synod.