ESV Bible Translation Update

Posted on February 21, 2025 
Filed under Resources

From Crossway, publishers of the English Standard Version of the Bible:

“The ESV Translation Oversight Committee (TOC) is a standing committee of the Crossway Board of Directors. The purpose of the TOC is to carry forward the publication of the English Standard Version Bible translation and to preserve the ongoing accuracy and fidelity of the ESV Bible for this generation and generations to come.

The Stability and Future of the ESV

With this purpose in mind, we are committed to maintaining a faithful, stable, and standard ESV Bible text that will meet the reading, memorizing, preaching, and liturgical needs of Christians worldwide. It should be noted that Crossway does not plan to introduce frequent text updates, and it has been nearly ten years since the last update in 2016. …

In light of this commitment, the TOC met over the summer of 2024 to consider a limited number of changes to the ESV text. Briefly summarized, the committee made text changes to 36 Scripture passages involving 42 verses, resulting in a total of 68 word changes.”

Read the details here.