Discover Serving in the Bathurst Diocese — on Zoom, Monday 22nd July

Posted on July 17, 2024 
Filed under Australian dioceses

This is coming up on Monday – from the Diocese of Bathurst:

“Are you interested in ministry opportunities and pathways outside of the city? Are you curious about what it actually looks like to minister out west? Are you keen to hear about what it is like to SHARE JESUS for LIFE in the Bathurst Diocese?

Come and join current workers and their spouses online as they answer these and other questions. This session is for anyone who is interested or curious!”

– on Monday 22nd July on Zoom. Details at this link.

Very much related:

On Sunday, Bishop Mark Calder wrote:

“Warm, welcoming, keen to grow and learn. Without a pastor for nearly three years. Who will come?

Great to be at St Ambrose Memorial Anglican Church Gilgandra this morning – meeting with the Uniting Church across the road as our building needs some work.”

– On the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.