‘Dad got the death he wanted’

Posted on October 27, 2016 
Filed under Culture wars

life-to-deathA Vancouver-based doctor with nearly four decades experience in family medicine, Wiebe has lately become one of Canada’s leading advocates for medically assisted death.

Since the new laws came into effect in June, she has provided dozens of people with lethal doses of sedatives, all by intravenous injection. …

She discusses with the patient for the last time their wish to die. Once confirmed, she administers a muscle relaxant. Then, she injects the lethal dose of sedatives; it usually takes the patient about 10 minutes to die.

The funeral home is then called, and someone comes to pick up the body. Wiebe signs off on the death certificate. The mood can be solemn or happy, even ‘uplifting,’ says Wiebe. It all depends on who is around. If friends and family are grieving, the emotional impact can take a toll.

– Like a wedding planner, only different. Story from The National Post.

(h/t Albert Mohler. Image: St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.)