Coronavirus and Christ

Posted on March 28, 2020 
Filed under COVID19, Resources

“It matters little what we think about the coronavirus. But it matters forever what God thinks. He is not silent about what he thinks. Scarcely a page in the Bible is irrelevant for this crisis.

Our voice is grass. His is granite. ‘The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever’ (1 Peter 1:24–25). His words in Scripture ‘cannot be broken’ (John 10:35). What he says is ‘true, and righteous altogether’ (Psalm 19:9). Listening to God, and believing him, is like building your house on a rock, not sand (Matthew 7:24). …”

– John Piper shares Biblical truth at Desiring God.

That page also has links to related resources on their website.