Communion Restructure Fails to Bring Renewal — GAFCON

Posted on February 28, 2025 
Filed under Anglican Communion, GAFCON, Global South

“To my brothers and sisters in the Gafcon family,

The recommendations of the December 2024 Report of IASCUFO (the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order) will fail to bring about renewal in the Anglican Communion.

There is merit in the leadership of the Primates’ Council and the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) being handed over from the Archbishop of Canterbury to a rotating, international chair.

But their proposed restructure of the ‘Instruments of Communion’ fails to bring genuine renewal to our Anglican Church.

The IASCUFO recommendations weaken the foundations of our common doctrine by sanctifying the revisionist theologies of provinces and dioceses that have wandered from the truth. …”

A message from The Most Rev’d Dr Laurent Mbanda, Chairman of the Gafcon Primates Council.


Fatal Flaws in the Nairobi-Cairo Proposals – Bishop-Elect Phil Ashey at The American Anglican Council.