CMS gives thanks for David Claydon

Posted on August 12, 2022 
Filed under People

CMS Australia’s Acting International Director Peter Sholl gives thanks for David Claydon:

“[On] 28th July, former CMS Australia Federal Secretary David Claydon passed into the glorious presence of Jesus after a long period of illness.

Having grown up in the Middle East and surviving by the clear providence of God, David served in various cross-cultural contexts, including many years leading the work of Scripture Union in the East-Asia Pacific Region (ANZEA).

He was appointed as the Federal Secretary of CMS Australia in 1988 and was active in this role—promoting mission, recruiting and supporting missionaries, and growing mission networks throughout the world.

He was particularly active in developing a CMS ‘Vision for the Nineties’ which resulted in a new focus on unreached people groups. One result of this new vision was the increase in the number of countries in which CMS missionaries served, from 15 in 1988 to 24 in 2001. …”

Read the full tribute on the CMS Australia website.

There will be a Thanksgiving service for David at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney at 10:00am on Monday 15th August.

Photo via Anglican Media Sydney.