“Not Just Us – Not Just Now” – Lessons from New Zealand

As faithful Anglicans in the Church of England consider how best to respond to the proposed Prayers of Love and Faith, there is much to learn from brothers and sisters in New Zealand. Not least because it was the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia (ACANZP) that was, according to the answer to Q177 at the February 2023 General Synod, “The example that [CofE] bishops considered in some more depth during their residential meetings.”

In a letter to his diocese, Bishop Jay Behan, of the Church of Confessing Anglicans, Aotearoa, New Zealand (CCAANZ), wrote recently …”

– Read the excerpts from Jay Behan’s letter, and his calls to prayer, at Anglican Futures.

Photo: Bishop Behan addresses the congregation at his service of consecration in Christchurch in October 2019.

Encouragement from Archbishop Kanishka Raffel

Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel has recorded this message to encourage churches as we come up to Easter.

Great to share.

March — April 2023 issue of Southern Cross now out

The March — April 2023 issue of Southern Cross magazine, produced by Anglican Media Sydney, is out now.

Copies will be available in churches.

As well, you can download a PDF version, or read online, at sydneyanglicans.net/about/southerncross.

Moore College welcomes back Peter Jensen to launch his latest book on The Life of Faith

“On Tuesday night Matthias Media held a book launch for Peter Jensen’s new book The Life of Faith: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine at Moore College. The event was a resounding success, drawing an engaged and enthusiastic audience of over 80 people.

Peter’s book is the fruit of his more than thirty years of teaching Christian doctrine. Many graduates during Peter’s time as Principal of Moore College can testify to the brilliance of his teaching and the invaluable resource his lecture notes have been over the years. These are now, freshly edited, available more widely. …”

Full report and photos at the Moore College website.

Photo: Archbishop Kanishka Raffel, Carmelina Read and Archbishop Peter Jensen with the new book. Courtesy Moore College.

If lost people matter to God…

“…if lost people matter to God, then they should matter to us as well. After all, we were lost in our sin, till we put our trust in Christ. So as someone once said, evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find food.

But are we as keen to share the good news of Christ Jesus, as we are to share our best back remedy?”

In the latest Cathedral Newsletter, Dean of Sydney Sandy Grant shares some encouragement after reflecting on a recent Church Record post.

The Life of Faith – Peter Jensen Book Launch

From Moore College:

“Moore College invites you to attend the launch of Peter Jensen’s latest book, ‘The Life of Faith’.

Date: 14th March 2023
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm – supper will be provided afterwards
Location: Moore Theological College, Marcus Loane Hall

This event will be a wonderful opportunity to hear from Peter Jensen himself as he discusses the themes and ideas behind his book, as well as answer any questions you may have.

About the book:
An introductory-level systematic theology from one of the evangelical world’s most influential theologians, perfect for the keen layperson but with enough depth and stimulation to be relevant and interesting for full-time gospel workers. The Life of Faith sits within the tradition of books like In Understanding Be Men by TC Hammond and Concise Theology by JI Packer, written for today’s audience.”

Book to attend via the College website.

Bishop of Bathurst’s newsletter – Lent edition 2023

Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder has published his Lent newsletter – a great way to be informed and to remember to pray for the people and churches of that diocese.

Download here as a PDF file – or on the Bathurst Facebook page.

Anglican Aid’s Prayer Diary 2023

Anglican Aid’s Prayer Diary for 2023 is now available to download from their website.

William Taylor: The Bishops have chosen to walk apart – but others stand with us

William Taylor, Rector of St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in London, has made an important announcement – and he speaks with the support of Anglican bishops worldwide including

Kanishka Raffel, Archbishop of Sydney;
Foley Beach, Primate of North America and GAFCON Primates Council Chairman;
Jay Behan, Bishop of the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand;
Glenn Lyons, Presiding Bishop of REACH South Africa.

See William Taylor’s announcement and the messages of support from these Anglican leaders.

Ordinations in Armidale — February 2023

From The Diocese of Armidale:

“Some good news for your encouragement.

On Saturday 18th February, ordinations were held at St Peter’s Cathedral, Armidale. Matthew Hearne, Angus Martin and Jeremy Lin were made Deacons; Matthew Stones, David Thompson and Philip van’t Spyker were made Presbyters.

This is the largest group ordained for some years and is a wonderful blessing for our Diocese. It was also great to see so many clergy and lay people from around our Diocese come to support and encourage the six men.

Give thanks to God for those he has called to be shepherds of His church and that the clergy team in our Diocese is growing. Pray also for the ministry of each of the men who were ordained.”

(Click the image for a larger version.)

Twenty-two new Deacons ordained in Sydney

“Archbishop Kanishka Raffel described the day as a ‘truly wonderful occasion of solemn joy of celebration and dedication, as we set aside these dear men and women, brothers and sisters who have been well prepared for service of the Lord Jesus and his church.’…”

– Read the full report by Tara Sing on the ordination at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney on Saturday 18th February 2023 at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Click on the photo (courtesy Anglican Media Sydney) for a full res version.

New start at Cobar — Commissioning Saturday morning 11:00am

James Daymond will be commissioned to minister in Cobar on Saturday 18th February 2023 at 11:00am.

It’s been more than 20 years since there was a resident Anglican minister in Cobar. (According to the diocesan Facebook page, James’ great uncle was once the minister there.)

Please pray for James and Brittany Daymond and for the church in Cobar, that this will be for the eternal good of many people, and for the glory of Christ.

Here James and Brittany are pictured with Dr Warwick Baines, business manager and registrar of the Diocese of Bathurst.

You can watch the livestream here.

Darrell Parker to be installed as Bishop of North West Australia — Wednesday 9.00pm AEDT

Darrell Parker will be installed as the Bishop of the Diocese of North West Australia at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Geraldton tonight, Wednesday 15th February, at 6:00pm AWST (9:00pm AEDT).

We understand the service will be live-streamed – available via the Geraldton Cathedral website or on the Cathedral Youtube channel.

Photo: Darrell and Elizabeth Parker.

New start in West Wyalong

From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page – news from Saturday 11th February –

“A joy to see Steven and Caitlin Klouth warmly welcomed in West Wyalong as the Rev’d Steven Klouth was commissioned this morning as Priest-in-Charge.

This full time appointment would not be possible without the generous partnership of the Bush Church Aid Society.

NSW director of BCA, Paul Sampson joined us, as did CFO Greg Bridge and Chair of council, Fred Chilton and his wife Jill.”

– Food for your prayers.

Sydney Diocese response to the Church of England General Synod’s decision

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Media Statement
UK Synod rejects the clear teaching of the Bible

The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel, has described the decision of the Church of England General Synod to offer prayers of blessing to couples in same-sex marriages and civil partnerships as a rejection of biblical teaching.

“In adopting these proposals, the UK General Synod has rejected the clear teaching of Scripture that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, and that sexual activity outside the context of marriage is sin.” the Archbishop said.

Archbishop Raffel cited the Global Anglican Fellowship (Gafcon) and the Global South Fellowship, two international groups which he said, “not only represent the vast majority of the world’s Anglicans, but also the historic, universal and apostolic teaching of the bible.”

“Last year, when the 24 diocesan bishops of the Australian General Synod failed to affirm the bible’s teaching on marriage and sexuality, I said that they had left the Australian Anglican Church in a ‘perilous’ state. Today, statements from both Gafcon and the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans have made the same assessment of the impact of the Church of England’s decision on the Anglican Communion. I agree with that assessment.”

“Nevertheless, it is reason for thanksgiving that where some Anglican provinces have departed from Scripture’s teaching in these matters, faithful brothers and sisters have stood for the trustworthiness, goodness and authority of Scripture. This was certainly true in the UK General Synod debate.”

“It is the opposite of loving care for people to deny, distort or downplay the life-giving truth of Scripture on matters of vital importance to understanding ourselves and God’s good plans for our lives, including matters of human sexuality and marriage. We must lament the decision of the Church of England General Synod.”

“God’s people are called to honour all people, and humbly, prayerfully and faithfully to hold out to all, the teaching of Jesus as words of eternal life. With God’s help, we will continue to do so.”

Kanishka Raffel
Archbishop of Sydney
February 10, 2023

Source: Diocese of Sydney.

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