Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s vision for Sydney Anglicans

Posted on September 11, 2023 
Filed under Sydney Diocese

“I am bringing before the Synod a statement of purpose and priorities for the diocesan fellowship,” said Archbishop Raffel as he opened the Sydney Synod for 2023. …

In a wide-ranging speech taking in church networks, organisations and institutions, the Archbishop said that “under God we seek to see God multiply believers in Christ, multiply churches and multiply workers for the harvest field.” This, he said, was a work of God. “We need the work of God in us, so that we long for the welfare of our neighbours and friends and fellow Sydneysiders with the longing of Jesus who wept over Jerusalem, though it was hardened against him.”

– At, Russell Powell has details of this afternoon’s Presidential Address by Archbishop Kanishka Raffel on the first day of Synod for 2023.

You can also watch or hear the Archbishop’s address.