Canberra & Goulburn Diocese gives thanks for Professor John White
“John White was a longtime parishioner of St John’s, Reid, and former Professor of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at ANU. He is widely known in the scientific community for his work on neutron scattering, was a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and a Fellow and Honorary Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford.
John was Chairman of the Oxford-Australia Scholarships Committee and held a number of other significant roles during his long and accomplished life.
John was passionately interested in the relationship between Christianity and Science. He was a founder and former President of ISCAST (Institute for the Study of Christianity in an Age of Science and Technology), and a member of the Council Wycliffe Hall (Oxford) and St Mark’s National Theological College (Canberra). …”
– The latest issue of Anglican News from the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn includes a tribute to Professor John White. See pages 12-14 of the Sept / Oct 2023 edition (PDF file).
New appointments in Bathurst Diocese
News from earlier this week –
“With great thanks to God, Bishop Mark Calder has announced today the appointment of the Rev’d Andrew Thornhill as Rector of Dubbo from February 2024, and the Rev’d Tim St Quintin as Rector of Cudgegong Valley from April 2024. (This parish includes Mudgee, Gulgong, Rylstone and Kandos.)
Please remember Andrew and Kath and Tim and Sarah in your prayers, along with their families, as well their current parishes (Coonabarabran and Cremorne respectively) as they adjust to this news.”
– Via the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.
Photo: Andrew Thornhill with Bishop Mark Calder, and Tim & Sarah St Quintin.
Presidential Address to the Melbourne Synod 2023
Archbishop of Melbourne Dr Philip Freier delivered his Presidential Address to the 54th Melbourne Synod yesterday.
The Melbourne Anglican has published the full text.
Photo: Elspeth Kernebone via The Melbourne Anglican.
Bishop of Bathurst’s latest newsletter – Synod 2023
Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder has released his post-Synod newsletter.
Download it for your encouragement and for your prayers. (PDF file.)
Included in the prayer requests:
Parishes without clergy – Dubbo, Cudgegong Valley, Kelso, Narromine, Gilgandra, Coolah-Dunedoo, Condobolin, Trundle, Coonamble, Warren, Bourke-Brewarrina, Cumnock and Warren.
Please pray that the Lord would raise up 13 godly, able and passionate men or women to serve in ALL of these parishes, to his great glory!
New Perth Assistant Bishops introduced
The Diocese of Perth has posted brief videos introducing the two new Assistant Bishops of the diocese. Many of readers will know Archdeacon David Bassett who was ordained in the Diocese of North West Australia and who is now heading back west from Adelaide.
Bishop of Bathurst’s Synod Presidential Address 2023
Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder gave his Presidential Address to the Synod of the diocese this morning.
Video of the address is now available here.
There’s been a lot happening in the diocese. Bishop Calder spoke about:
- Joseph
- New life
- Seen in parishes without clergy
- Seen in our parishes with clergy
- Seen through significant financial support
- Seen in new leadership
- Seen in conference, retreat, camp and training
- Seen in new partnerships
- Seen in the strategic plan
- New opportunities for life
- In the meantime
- New culture – new life
- Thanks
- Appointments and ordinations
Included were these remarks about assistance from Sydney –
“Last synod I was able to report that following my presentation and our video of thanks, Sydney synod agreed to renew their initial support of $250,000 a year for six years, for a further six years. This is extraordinary. Given the long history of suspicion between our dioceses, we don’t deserve such generosity. But that is the nature of grace – it is undeserved. Thanks be to God for the humility of Bishop Palmer, and the vision and generosity of Archbishop Davies along with the help of Bishop Stead for opening up this possibility. Bishop Stead and Archbishop Raffel have both been extremely helpful in encouraging and facilitating the extension of the gift.
This gift supports the bishop and the registrar and were it not for Sydney’s generosity, our parish assessments would need to be 20% of income, not 10%. Perhaps we’ll find one day, a way to appropriately express our thanks to Sydney Diocese. I am quite sure that old suspicions and criticisms are melting into the background.”
He also speaks about extraordinary support from the Bush Church Aid Society and from partner churches and individuals far and wide.
The full address is not too long to read and is most encouraging. Download it as a PDF file here or watch the video.
Two new Assistant Bishops for Perth
“Since January this year the Diocese has been prayerfully supporting the Episcopal Office, especially Bishop Kate and myself, in the life and ministry of the Diocese of Perth as we have been considering our mission and ministry needs moving forward.
Your prayers have been appreciated and I have been deeply aware of being held through some long hours and complex situations over these past eight months. The great and exciting news of the appointment of two new Assistant Bishops of Perth was announced on 10 August 2023.
The Venerable David Bassett from the Diocese of Adelaide. David is the Assistant to the Primate and Archdeacon of Adelaide and the Port. David is married to Susan, and they have two adult children, a daughter and a son. David was ordained in the Diocese of North West Australia. He has served in schools and parishes there and in Melbourne and Adelaide. …
– Read the full announcement here from the Archbishop of Perth, Kay Goldsworthy
Also published in the September 2023 issue of Anglican Messenger.
Encouragement from Cobar
“James & Brittany Daymond have been in Cobar for eight months now, building upon the foundations laid before them. They are excited to see how Cobar can be reached for Christ. …”
– Fuel for your prayers from the Bush Church Aid Society.
(Photo: Diocese of Bathurst. James and Brittany with Dr Warwick Baines, Registrar of the Diocese of Bathurst.)
Jeremy Greaves elected Archbishop of Brisbane
“Earlier this morning an ad clerum was issued to clergy in the Diocese of Southern Queensland (Brisbane) announcing that current Assistant Bishop Jeremy Greaves has been elected the next Archbishop of the diocese …
I’ve spoken with a number of senior Anglican leaders … one told me ‘you couldn’t have a clearer expression of the differences we have in the Anglican Church of Australia. …’”
– David Ould has this report.
And from 2016:
New ‘progressive’ Assistant Bishop for Brisbane.
North West Network September 2023
The September 2023 edition of North West Network has been published by the Diocese of Northwest Australia.
Talks from the Bathurst Diocesan Camp 2023
The Bathurst Diocesan Camp was held at Burrendong Dam over the weekend.
Ian Powell from St. Matthew’s Wanniassa in Canberra spoke on the Book of Jonah. Very challenging and helpful talks.
Talk 1, Talk 2, Talk 3, Talk 4.
Darwin Cathedral Evening Service turns One
A new issue of Top Centre (23.2) from the Diocese of the Northern Territory is now out and available for download.
Lots of encouragement and plenty to pray about – including a report on the first anniversary of the new evening service at Christ Church Cathedral in Darwin (pictured).
“Christ Church Cathedral celebrated the first anniversary of its 5.30pm evening service on June 4 with about 50 people in the congregation including a newborn baby.
This compared with a mere ten people at its first service a year ago.
Reflecting on the growth of this church plant, founding leader Ben Staunton said as much as he was encouraged by the growth in numbers, what was more remarkable was the community that had been built, with members regularly meeting socially and helping each other in their daily lives. …”
Download your copy from this page.
Spate of scam texts from ‘vicars’ at Melbourne churches
“Parishioners have received scam text messages claiming to be from their vicar at several Melbourne churches during the past week.
The texts named the vicar of the relevant church, and several asked the recipient to transfer money to an account for ‘mission giving’. …”
– Report and image from The Melbourne Anglican.
God gives the growth, but we must sow the seed – Matthew 13:1–23 – Bishop Richard Condie
Bishop of Tasmania Richard Condie speaks at Moore College chapel on the Parable of the Sower.
Great encouragement to 1. preach Christ, and 2. pray for the churches of Tasmania as they hold out the Word of Life.
Bishop of Bathurst’s Newsletter — August 2023
The Bishop of Bathurst’s Newsletter — Winter edition, August 2023 — has been published by Bishop Mark Calder.
Be sure to download your copy to help you pray for the ministry of the gospel of the Lord Jesus in Central and Western NSW. (There is also information on how to support the work financially, if you are able.)
From the newsletter –
“Pray for all our stipendiary clergy
– that they would be refreshed, sustained and encouraged in their work – Andy Martin, Andrew Thornhill, Bec Choi, Ben Connelly, Ben Mackay, Brett Watterson, Carl Palmer, David Blackmore, James Boardman, James Daymond, James Hodson, Jonny Lush, Jono Williams, Phil Howes, Bob Cameron, Roger Phelps, Sally Phelps, Steven Klouth, Tim Smith and Wally Cox. Pray also for our many other clergy who serve and help so wonderfully!
Pray too for our stipendiary lay ministers: Lizzie Watterson, Levi Kowalczyk and Jo Watts + Glenn and Wendy Murray.
Parishes without clergy – Dubbo, Cudgegong Valley, Kelso, Narromine, Gilgandra, Coolah-Dunedoo, Condobolin, Trundle, Coonamble, Warren, Bourke-Brewarrina, Cumnock and Warren. Please pray that the Lord would raise up 13 godly, able and passionate people to serve in ALL of these parishes, to his great glory! And please thank the Lord for all who serve these parishes in the meantime – both lay and ordained.”