Armidale Diocese gives thanks for Barraba Bash ’24
“This year’s Bash was a brilliant day!
On March 23rd, 220 youth from right across the Diocese gathered together to praise God in song, listen to his Word preached faithfully and have a whole lot of fun.
Over the day we did a deep dive into Hebrews chapter 12 as we considered big questions like ‘What does it mean to endure as Christians?’, ‘How can we carry on living for Jesus when our friends live so differently?’ …”
– Give thanks with the churches in the Diocese of Armidale for this key youth event.
Bathurst Easter Newsletter 2024
For your prayers and encouragement. (PDF file.)
Bathurst Diocese: Two more Ordinations coming up in April
“Dear brothers and sisters across our diocese,
It is with gratitude to God that I announce today that Mr Joshua Taylor and Mr Stuart Border are to be ordained as Deacons at All Saints Anglican Cathedral on Saturday 20 April at 11am.
This follows the unanimous recommendation of the diocesan ordination discernment panel, following their recent final discernment interviews with Josh and Stuart, both candidates having been prayerfully and carefully discerned for these orders over the past 12 months. …”
– More encouraging news from the Diocese of Bathurst, and a cause for thanksgiving. The Bishop’s Commissary, Dean of Bathurst James Hodson shares the news. (PDF file).
Bathurst Diocese: Lay Stipendiary Minister for the Narromine Parish
“Thanks be to God that today in the parish of Narromine it is being announced that Mr Luke Merriman is to commence there during May 2024 as Lay Stipendiary Minister. …”
– More encouraging news from the Diocese of Bathurst. (Via the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.)
Latest edition of The Link from Armidale Diocese
The latest (Feb – March 2024) issue of The Link from the Diocese of Armidale is now up on their website.
Brian Rosner to finish as Principal of Ridley College at the end of 2024
“During the chapel service on 19 March 2024, Brian Rosner announced to students that he will be finishing up as principal of Ridley College at the end of this year.
After this, Brian will spend 2025 on research leave and then return in 2026 as a lecturer at the college, focussed on teaching, speaking and writing.
Brian will be giving a concluding, not-to-be-missed public lecture as principal on the evening of Wednesday, 16 October 2024.
Brian has led Ridley since mid-2012. …”
– Announcement and video at the Ridley College website. And food for prayer. Brians asks for prayer for three things —
- The Ridley Board as the search for Ridley’s tenth Principal gets underway.
- The College – that God would continue to provide for them that they would conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- That he will finish well as Principal and serve God fruitfully in the years to come.
Ministry Opportunities in Bathurst Diocese
Here’s the latest list of vacant parishes in the Diocese of Bathurst – for your prayers, and perhaps for your consideration.
Encouragement from Kununurra
“St James Kununurra is supporting the Kununurra Peoples Church to reach Aboriginal children with the hope of Jesus.
Each Thursday up to 50 children aged 5 to 14 come to Bethel Bible Study, where they enjoy a simple meal followed by Bible study and games. …”
– “Shining light in the darkness” – Encouragement and food for prayer from the Diocese of North West Australia.
The end of an era — BCA House Broken Hill
“As he took down the sign outside BCA House in Broken Hill in mid-January 2024, Indigenous Ministry Officer Neville Naden rightly said it was the end of an era.
The planning for a facility to serve the people of Broken Hill and beyond was first flagged in the December 1949 issue of The Real Australian …
BCA House was officially opened on 6 March 1950 by the Archbishop of Sydney, the Bishop of Riverina, the Rector of Broken Hill and BCA missioners.
The Hostel, a converted old home set on a large block, was originally built as a Stock and Station Agency and was able to provide accommodation for up to 30 children. …”
– From The Bush Church Aid Society.
Gambling and Coveting
“I know that Aussies love to have a ‘punt on the ponies’ but it’s becoming a massive community problem that can’t be ignored. For example, in the state where I currently live, the Anglican Church of Tasmania has published an excellent report which makes for sobering reading.
Here’s a quick snapshot of what their research found …”
– Mark Powell writes at AP, the national journal of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.
Other posts on our website on gambling (there are quite a few).
Latest issue of North West Network
The latest North West Network from the Diocese of North West Australia is now up on their website.
It’s the February 2024 issue, and is an encouraging glimpse into what’s happening in the North West.
Armidale Next Phase Conference 2024
Armidale Diocese is running its Next Phase Conference for 2024 on May 3 and 4 at St. Peter’s Cathedral.
“How can we stay faithful and fruitful as followers of Christ as we move into the next phase of our lives?
This year, we are looking forward to having Rev. Simon Manchester open the bible with us over four talks and help us to see how we can stay vibrant in our faith and ministries as we age.
We will also be joined by Dr. Patricia Weerakoon who will be interviewed during Friday dinner and run two seminars for us on Saturday.”
– Details and a short video from Bishop Rod Chiswell at this link.
Diocese of North West Australia Pipeline for leadership
“Geraldton student Nathan Hiscock has been appointed the first Ministry Apprentice in the North West Anglican Church, in a major push to raise up homegrown gospel workers.
The position is part of the new 3-stage Ministry Training Pipeline which includes theological studies and a stint as a curate before graduating to lead a church. …”
– Encouraging news from the Diocese of North West Australia (and a reminder to pray for the progress of the gospel in that far-flung diocese).
More Diocesan news here.
Bishop of Newcastle reports from Rome and Canterbury
Earlier this month, Dr Peter Stuart, the Bishop of Newcastle, sent this report from Rome and Canterbury. He was there for the ‘Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission’ –
“Our second summit day has concluded. It has been profound.
We began with the experience of Holy Communion where the Anglicans could not participate. We all experienced the pain. …
Day 4. From Rome.
A special service in the Basilica of St Paul outside the walls.
This evening, Bishop Greg from Lismore and I were commissioned for the work of Christian unity by Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin.
The homilies were based on the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the call to love.
We were greeted by Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin. …”
– From the Diocese of Newcastle.
Photo via the Diocese of Newcastle.
Archbishop Welby explains why he wears Pope Paul VI’s pastoral ring (October 2021.)
Perth Diocese Anglican Messenger for February 2024 now online
The Anglican Messenger magazine of the Diocese of Perth for February 2024 is now available online.
Included is a feature on the consecration, earlier this month, of the two new Assistant Bishops – David Bassett and Hans Christiansen.
Two new Assistant Bishops for Perth – Sept 2023.