Prayer update from Cobar — March 2025
If you are praying for parishes in the Diocese of Bathurst, you’ll want to see the latest brief video update from James Daymond in the BCA-supported parish of Cobar.
New Resident Minister for Cobar after 20+ years – November 2022.
Melbourne election synod: Board members step down
“On 12 March the Board of Nominators sent a communication to synod members. The update, from the Chair of the Board Dr Jenny George, addressed five matters. …
What was very clear in the three-page update was that this task of selecting potential candidates to bring to the election synod was onerous and time consuming. Dr George wrote that a number of board members had stepped down ‘for a variety of personal reasons’. The board initially consisted of 18 members. As of 12 March, there are 14 members, who are listed in the update. …”
– Report from Penny Mulvey at The Melbourne Anglican.
Pray for Central Western NSW – BCA March 2025 Prayer Video
The Bush Church Aid Society’s Greg Harris shares prayer points for the Central West of NSW.
See the BCA website.
A Canary in the Anglican Coalmine
“At a recent meeting in Germany, religious freedom experts from around the world warned of a climate of ‘increasing intolerance’ towards people of faith in Western nations. Anja Hoffmann, Executive Director of the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe, who was one of the organisers of the event, said:
It is very worrying that the peaceful expression of personal religious beliefs on matters relating to marriage and family has become the potential end of a political career or employment, or even the beginning of a court case … This is a serious threat to religious freedom and leads to widespread self-censorship among traditional believers in the West.
Australia is not immune from this slide into intolerance. …”
– Mark Durie, Senior Research Fellow at the Melbourne School of Theology, has republished this important essay on his website.
Written for Quadrant, and first published in the March 2025 issue, it’s a wakeup call for Christians and churches across the country. Essential reading.
Top Centre News — Issue 1 for 2025
The first issue of Top Centre magazine from the Diocese of the Northern Territory was published online a few weeks ago.
It includes one article, “Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Cyclone Tracy”, and another on the centenary of Oenpelli mission.
– Click on ‘Download latest issue’.
Much food for prayer.
Letter from Principal of Nungalinya College, Darwin, Dr. Keith Cole – written 1st January 1975, just after Cyclone Tracy.
A short reflection on the significance of Lent
On the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page, Bishop Mark Calder has a short reflection on the significance of Lent (which began on Wednesday).
– Watch here. (May require a login to Facebook.)
Exploring and Celebrating the Nicene Creed
“This year is the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed, which is an important part of our liturgy for a number of our services, in particular for the Eucharist. We encourage you to mark this year by devoting some time to focussing on the creed, both personally and as a congregation. …”
– The Ministry Development Committee of the Diocese of Ballarat is seeking to help church members think about what they mean when they say the Nicene Creed on Sundays.
Credo Magazine feature: 1700 Years after Nicaea. – January 2025.
How does an election for a new Archbishop of Melbourne work?
“Current lay and clergy members of the Diocese of Melbourne’s synod will gather at St Paul’s Cathedral on 23 and 24 May to elect a new archbishop. The meeting will be closed to the public.
The last time the two houses of synod (the House of Laity and the House of Clergy) came together to elect an archbishop was in 2006. It was a protracted and rancorous process requiring two separate meetings.
The diocese is currently without an archbishop, with Archbishop Freier retiring on his 70th birthday, as per the synod regulations, earlier this month. …”
– At The Melbourne Anglican, Penny Mulvey provides an outline for the election process.
It’d be good to uphold in prayer Melbourne Anglicans as they work through this process.
Bathurst Diocese – updated list of Ministry Opportunities
The Diocese of Bathurst has updated its profiles of Parishes without Rectors.
See the profiles to inform your prayers – and there’s a link to use if you are interested in serving in Bathurst Diocese.
New edition of Anglican News from Canberra & Goulburn
Dr Jacqueline Service will be commissioned as Director of Canberra’s St Mark’s National Theological Centre this weekend.
That’s one of the stories in the February edition of Anglican News from the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn. (PDF file.)
Bishop of Bathurst’s HOPE25 Newsletter
The Bishop of Bathurst, Mark Calder, has released his HOPE25 Newsletter.
Many churches around Australia are planning to take part in the HOPE25 “intentional season of sharing hope in Jesus” between Easter and Pentecost.
Find your copy here – food for your prayers.
James Boardman commissioned at Kelso
From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page:
“In the presence of Diocesan and other clergy, along with representatives of BCA partner churches, the Rev’d James Boardman was commissioned as Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Kelso yesterday. Charly and the children were warmly welcomed and took part in the service. We are so thankful for the support of BCA, without which, James could not serve full-time.”
Food for your prayers.
Related: Bush Church Aid.
Melbourne Anglicans mourn former Archbishop of Melbourne Keith Rayner
“Australian Anglicans are mourning the death of a former Melbourne archbishop and pivotal figure in the ordination of women in the Church.
Bishop Keith Rayner died peacefully on 12 January 2025, almost eight weeks after his 95th birthday. …”
– From The Melbourne Anglican.
Photo: Stpeters-cathedral, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Major fire destroys parts of St Hilary’s Kew
“The Anglican community was distressed to hear that there was a major fire at St Hilary’s Kew (on the corner of John and Rowland Streets) in the early hours of Friday 10 January. …
Thanks to the quick action of the fire fighters, they were able to save the church and the hall (both original buildings on the site). …
Offices, the main kitchen, and other spaces were significantly affected. The church has sustained some smoke and water damage”
– Story at The Melbourne Anglican.
Photo via The Melbourne Anglican.
New edition of “The Link” from Armidale — Dec 2024-Jan 2025
The latest issue of Armidale Diocese’s magazine The Link is now available for download form their website.
On the cover is the Rev. Julie Cook, just announced as the new Diocesan Deacon for Women.
Download your copy here (PDF file) – and do pray for the continued ministry of the gospel in the Diocese of Armidale.