Seize the Day — Mothers Union Sydney seminar 2023

Mothers Union Sydney’s Annual Seminar for 2023 was held at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Friday 24th February.

The theme was “Seize the Day – Work and Rest in the light of Eternity”.

A recording of the full livestream is now available on the Mothers Union website.

Speakers and topics on the day were:

The accompanying booklet is available at this link.

Christian MP shares the gospel in Parliament

“A Christian MP has spoken in Parliament of his faith: Christ’s incarnation, sinless life, substitutionary death and resurrection.

In a debate in Westminster Hall on the importance of Christianity in society, the MP for Don Valley, Nick Fletcher, said the nation ‘should be proud of our Christian history and our Christian values’.

As well as explaining the message of the Gospel, he expounded the importance of Christian engagement in society, and how famous social reformers of the past were driven to act by their faith in Jesus. …”

Christian Concern. The key section is from 8 minutes into the speech.

(Link via Anglican Mainstream.)

2023 Moore College Graduation – Occasional Address

The 2023 Moore College Graduation service was held on March 20.

The College has now published video of the occasional address given by the Rev Don West, Principal of Trinity Theological College in Perth.

Don speaks from 2 Corinthians 4:1-18.

Watch and be encouraged.

“Go ahead and invite them”

“Research on community attitudes has revealed some encouraging statistics on people’s willingness to attend church during Holy week.

The statistics come from the National Church Life Survey’s Australian Community Survey, taken at the end of 2022.

Asked if they would go to church this Easter if a close friend or family member invited them, 42 per cent of Australians said yes. A further 19  per cent of those surveyed said they were unsure. …”

– Here’s some encouragement from Russell Powell at

Why it’s not enough to be a ‘Bible teaching Church’

“When my appointment to St Andrew’s Cathedral was announced about 18 months ago, a godly old Methodist minister wrote to me. He kindly thanked me for my ministry in Wollongong but added this note of caution: ‘Don’t let your boast be, “We are a Bible teaching church”. But rather, like St Paul… “We preach Christ, and him crucified”.’

Was my older Methodist colleague right? …”

Dean of Sydney Sandy Grant writes at

(Also published in the current Southern Cross magazine.)

Preaching Hope on Good Friday

“The late Professor Chris O’Brien, after whom the Life House is named at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital said, ‘Everyone needs hope, we live on hope’.

We normally associate hope with resurrection and so preach hope on Easter Sunday, but this year I am going to preach hope on Good Friday.

The Christian life is full of hope because hope is based on promise, and God reveals himself as the God who makes promises to his people. His promises are the basis of our hope. …”

David Cook has this encouragement for preachers at The Expository Preaching Trust.

Photo: David Cook at St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in August 2022.

Encouragement from Archbishop Kanishka Raffel

Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel has recorded this message to encourage churches as we come up to Easter.

Great to share.

Boldy and unapologetically trembling at God’s word – with Phil Colgan and Paul Grimmond

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“We are not called to be entertainers, but preachers.  How might we as individuals and as leaders of God’s people tremble before him? And are we going soft on this?

What is the connection between the text and the preacher? As a preacher, how long since you have been rebuked and repented? How has your world view has been challenged recently?

Paul Grimmond is Dean of Students at Sydney’s Moore Theological College.

Phil Coglan is senior pastor at Sydney’s St George North Anglican Church.”

Watch or listen here.

March — April 2023 issue of Southern Cross now out

The March — April 2023 issue of Southern Cross magazine, produced by Anglican Media Sydney, is out now.

Copies will be available in churches.

As well, you can download a PDF version, or read online, at

How can we best support gospel growth beyond our church? — with Mikey Lynch

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“How might our church best relate to other organisations (churches, denominations and parachurches) who are also engaged in the grand cause of reaching the world for Christ?

What is the difference between a church and parachurch and how might they best interact? …

Mikey Lynch is a Director of Reach Australia and is the new editorial director for the Gospel Coalition Australia. Mikey leads the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students staff team doing ministry in Hobart at the University of Tasmania.

Matthias Media have just released his new book ‘The Vine Movement – supporting gospel growth beyond your church.’…”

Watch or listen here.

And also note how you can support the coming “Heart of GAFCON” broadcasts from Kigali.

How to Organise an Epic Bible Reading

Last week we linked to an article by Simon Camilleri on Epic Bible Reading at your Church.

In a follow-up post, he shares some practical tips on getting your church involved:

“In a nutshell, I recommend that before you break up a book of the Bible for a sermon series or a Bible Study you should gather together and read through the entire book—out loud from start to finish in one session.

In this article I am going to give some tips from my own experience, for the eager and the apprehensive, on how you can run an Epic Bible Reading at your church. …”

Read it here.

If lost people matter to God…

“…if lost people matter to God, then they should matter to us as well. After all, we were lost in our sin, till we put our trust in Christ. So as someone once said, evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find food.

But are we as keen to share the good news of Christ Jesus, as we are to share our best back remedy?”

In the latest Cathedral Newsletter, Dean of Sydney Sandy Grant shares some encouragement after reflecting on a recent Church Record post.

Things would never be the same again

“In his Pensées Blaise Pascal, the 17th century French mathematician and philosopher wrote, ‘Everyone seeks happiness. This is without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end. The cause of some going to war and of others avoiding it, is the same desire in both, attended with different views. They will never take the least step but to this object…’

John the Gospel writer tells us of a woman at a well in Samaria two thousand years ago who would have agreed. …”

– At The Anglican Connection, John Mason turns to John chapter 4 and the longing for happiness.

Epic Bible Reading at Your Church

“I am very glad that many evangelical churches in Australia preach through the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Over weeks or even months, a theologically-educated preacher helps their congregation to dig deep into Scripture—grappling with each section of the book in depth before moving on to the next section.

But imagine if we watched movies this way. …”

– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Simon Camilleri has some encouragement for you.

A related question: Why do some evangelical Anglican churches only have one Bible reading in a Sunday gathering?

Anglican Aid’s Prayer Diary 2023

Anglican Aid’s Prayer Diary for 2023 is now available to download from their website.

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