Bishop of Gippsland: “There is no obstacle” to Same-sex Blessings. Is Brisbane next?

Posted on June 24, 2022 
Filed under Anglican Church of Australia, Culture wars, General Synod

“In his recent Presidential Address to the Diocesan Synod, Bishop Richard Treloar has told his diocese that there is no longer any bar on the blessing of same-sex marriages. …

Having summarised the position, Bishop Treloar then makes his announcement, presenting this as a fait accompli that he has no power as bishop to resist …

Gippsland is the first of what may be many dioceses taking similar steps; simply acting as though the matter is now decided rather than passing the relevant motions at their synod. Next up is the Diocese of Brisbane which begins tonight.”

– David Ould shares the latest from Gippsland and speculates on what might be announced at the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane.