With thanksgiving for Bishop Ivan Lee. ACL President’s tribute

Posted on March 5, 2020 
Filed under People, Sydney Diocese

The Anglican Church League notes with sadness the passing of Bishop Ivan Lee last night and will continue to uphold Virginia and the family in prayer for the consolation that can only come from our great shepherd Jesus in this difficult time.

Ivan was elected an Emeritus Vice President of the ACL due to his longstanding commitment to gospel work and the Evangelical cause within the Diocese of Sydney. His passion for reaching out to the lost, including his willingness to try new means of connecting with those outside the churches, was evident in every conversation with him.

Personally, having served on a number of committees with Ivan, I can testify that he could always be relied on to bring a considered and unique perspective to any issue, a perspective that caused us to reflect upon whether we had understood the challenges correctly and whether there were other more creative options open to us to progress the task at hand.

Ivan’s commitment to ‘be at work in his Master’s field’ during the difficult times of his illness was a great encouragement to those who worked with him, and was a reflection of his passion for the gospel and indeed the network of the Diocese of Sydney as a key and effective means of reaching the lost for Christ.

He will be greatly missed – but he is with our Lord, which is better by far.

Andrew Bruce
President of the Anglican Church League.

(Photo: Bishop Ivan Lee at Sydney Synod, October 2019. Courtesy Anglican Media Sydney.)