Being an Influencer
Posted on March 30, 2025
Filed under Encouragement
“ ‘Trev, go home. One day I want to be able to say, see that guy who is a well-known engineer, he used to spend time at my slot car track and work for me part-time. I don’t want them to say, see that bum over there, I knew him once.’
I spent much of my time as a teenager at a local pinball parlour and slot car track. The man who owned the establishment took an interest in me and employed me part-time. One night when I wasn’t working but just hanging around, he sent me home with these words.
After I was rather miraculously converted from atheism to Christianity in my 30s, I began to remember many points in my life, like this one, when the words and actions of others influenced me in tiny incremental ways towards the ‘good’. …”
– In the latest edition of CASE News from New College, Trevor Cairney reminds us of that the Lord can use weak vessels like us to bring good to others.
Photo: Trevor Cairney at the 2024 ACL Synod Dinner.