Archbishop Davies rallies Anglicans as Synod begins

Posted on October 12, 2015 
Filed under Sydney Diocese

Archbishop Glenn Davies“The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has delivered a rallying address on Christian mission, persecution and perseverance at the start of the church’s 2015 Synod…”

– from Russell Powell at

Read the full text here (will download a PDF file) – or listen at this link (35MB mp3 audio) or watch the video.

Take the time to watch, hear or read the full address.

The Archbishop’s Presidential Address to the Sydney Synod on October 12th, 2015.

Here’s one extract:

“That two TV stations should recently refuse to air advertisements by Marriage Alliance for promoting what is simply the law of the land is a scandal! It is also symptomatic of the wave of naïve enthusiasm for the novelty of ‘same-sex marriage’ that a significant number of corporations have published their endorsement for this change in our law. How, one might ask, does such a position have anything to do with the core business of these companies—it is inexplicable. Why don’t we hear from these companies about their views on the treatment of asylum seekers on Manus Island or the decline in Australia’s foreign aid budget or other controversial issues such as the slave trade, euthanasia or abortion? Have these companies any idea of how many shareholders, let alone employees, who do not share these publicly endorsed sentiments regarding ‘same-sex marriage’?”