A popular vote is the best way to go, but arguments for gay marriage don’t hold up

Posted on August 15, 2017 
Filed under Culture wars, Opinion

“Ask yourself what is the most decent and respectful thing to do: is it to endorse this change that the gay lobby is stridently insisting upon; or is it to question whether a few years’ agitation should unmake a concept of marriage that had stood for many centuries and has always been regarded as the rock upon which society is built?

Ask yourself what’s more likely to maintain respect for marriage and to reinforce the notions of constancy and selflessness that sustain all lasting relationships: an ongoing recognition that marriage is a union of one man with one woman, preferably for life and usually dedicated to children; or changing marriage so that it can mean any two people who love each other? …”

– The Hon. Tony Abbott, MP, explains his thinking. Originally published in today’s The Australian, and also on his website.