The train is leaving the station

In his The Briefing for Wednesday September 20, 2023, Dr Albert Mohler examines the trajectory of a well-known US pastor and his church –

When a Conference is More Than a Conference: The Trajectory of Andy Stanley and the “Unconditional” Conference

and in his remarks, he gives some background to, and reads from, his current article in World MagazineThe train is leaving the station:

Andy Stanley, one of the most influential pastors in the United States, has been moving in this direction for years, often by suggestion and assertion but clouded by confusion and the deliberate avoidance of clarity. Back in 2018, he called for the church to be “unhitched” from the Old Testament, arguing that the Old Testament should not be understood as the “go-to source regarding any behavior in the church.” There goes “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22). But, in truth, there goes the entire Old Testament. …

Reframing the social justice discussion – with Ed Loane, Tim Swan and Berthier Lainirina

This week on The Pastor’s Heart:

“Social Justice is a fiercely contested concept among Christians. Often discussions about caring for the poor have not been grounded in a biblical vision for gospel ministry..

Evangelicals have been criticized for appearing to be weak on social justice. The charge is that we have been so focussed on gospel ministry that the poor and disadvantaged have been neglected. How does caring for the poor fit with the mission of Jesus church?

Tim Swan is the CEO of Sydney’s Anglican Aid, which hosted an important conference last weekend ‘Reframing Social Justice.’

Ed Loane is Warden at St Paul’s College in Sydney and lectures in Church History part time at Moore Theological College.

Berthier Lainirina is Principal of St Patrick’s Theological College Madagascar.”

Watch or listen here.

Love Sydney’s Walk for Life — Saturday 23rd September

Love Sydney’s Walk for Life is on again this Saturday.

“Our role is simple – to stand in the gap and be a voice for the voiceless, as we cover Sydney in prayer and love.”

Details at their TryBooking page

Bishop of Bathurst’s Synod Presidential Address 2023

Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder gave his Presidential Address to the Synod of the diocese this morning.

Video of the address is now available here.

There’s been a lot happening in the diocese. Bishop Calder spoke about:

Included were these remarks about assistance from Sydney –

“Last synod I was able to report that following my presentation and our video of thanks, Sydney synod agreed to renew their initial support of $250,000 a year for six years, for a further six years. This is extraordinary. Given the long history of suspicion between our dioceses, we don’t deserve such generosity. But that is the nature of grace – it is undeserved. Thanks be to God for the humility of Bishop Palmer, and the vision and generosity of Archbishop Davies along with the help of Bishop Stead for opening up this possibility. Bishop Stead and Archbishop Raffel have both been extremely helpful in encouraging and facilitating the extension of the gift.

This gift supports the bishop and the registrar and were it not for Sydney’s generosity, our parish assessments would need to be 20% of income, not 10%. Perhaps we’ll find one day, a way to appropriately express our thanks to Sydney Diocese. I am quite sure that old suspicions and criticisms are melting into the background.”

He also speaks about extraordinary support from the Bush Church Aid Society and from partner churches and individuals far and wide.

The full address is not too long to read and is most encouraging. Download it as a PDF file here or watch the video.

We are Repaganizing

“Christians have always been unusually vehement in their disapproval of the killing of infants, whether born or unborn, and their legal regime prevailed until the mid-twentieth century when we experienced a religious shift that will probably be understood by future historians as a Second Reformation. …”

– Several Christian bloggers have linked to this thoughtful article at First Things by Louise Perry.

Tim Charlie’s writes, “This article is not written by a Christian but still shares an interesting perspective on what society will lose as it turns from its Christian roots back to paganism.”

The Church that needs you — Charlie Skrine at JAEC 2023

At Church Society’s JAEC (Junior Anglican Evangelical Conference) two weeks ago, Charlie Skrine, Rector of All Souls Langham Place, spoke on the topic “The Church that needs you”.

While he says that he expects the next ten years will be very difficult, he calls his hearers to stand with him in the Church of England. He reminds us, “You only live twice”, and outlines several scenarios where evangelical ordinands are absolutely needed. Sobering and a cause for much prayer.

Before his talk, Dr Ros Clarke asks him a few questions about his background.

Also at the conference,

Ros Clarke speaks on “The Church that England has”,

James Cary addresses the topic “The Church that England needs”, and

Lee Gatiss gives a Pastoral Charge from 1 Timothy 5.

Photo: Church Society.

More ‘views from the pew’ at Sydney Synod

The Australian Church Record is continuing to post “views from the pew” – brief questions and answers with members of Sydney Synod –

Justice Michael Meek, Anna Davidson, Janet Austin, Andrew Buckle. and Doug Marr.

Photo: Russell Powell.

The Presbyterian Church of Australia: Highlights from the 2023 Federal Assembly

“Every three years the General Assembly of Australia (GAA) meets for a week-long conference to discuss business relating to the federal church. Whereas the various state assemblies focus on governance and state based responsibilities, the federal assembly has supreme oversight and focuses on oversight of matters of worship, doctrine and discipline…”

– While the Synod of the Diocese of Sydney is meeting this week and next, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia met at Hurstville earlier this month.

The national journal of the Presbyterian Church has this summary of the GAA’s proceedings, including a link to their “Statement on Sex, Gender and Marriage”.

Synod sets out diocesan purpose and priorities

“The Synod has collectively confirmed that our main game remains unchanged – to make disciples.

The Archbishop’s document Purpose and Priorities for the Diocesan Fellowship was passed by the Synod on Tuesday, September 12, recognising the direction and focus for churches, schools and organisations within the Diocese. …”

– Tara Sing reports from Sydney Synod at

Caring for missionaries when they are not doing so well

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“We send out missionaries. But sometimes it doesn’t work out. There’s a forced return home. Dashed hopes. And all sorts of understanding and support – from the mission agency, supporter churches, pastor friends and others.”

Watch or listen here.

If your church supports missionaries, this will be very helpful in caring for them, under whatever circumstances they may return.

ACR Journal for Synod 2023

A special issue of ACR Journal – from The Australian Church Record – is out in time for Sydney Synod.

Download your copy from the Church Record’s website.

2023 ACL Synod Dinner Address — Archdeacon Simon Flinders on The Importance of the Local Church

Archdeacon Simon Flinders gave the address at tonight’s ACL Synod Dinner in Sydney.

His topic? The Importance of the Local Church.

Take the time to listen to his most encouraging address:


or download the audio by right-clicking here.

The transcript is available as a PDF file.

This would be great to share with members of your church.


The Robinson-Knox view of Church — Interview with Chase Kuhn.

Archbishop Kanishka Raffel’s vision for Sydney Anglicans

“I am bringing before the Synod a statement of purpose and priorities for the diocesan fellowship,” said Archbishop Raffel as he opened the Sydney Synod for 2023. …

In a wide-ranging speech taking in church networks, organisations and institutions, the Archbishop said that “under God we seek to see God multiply believers in Christ, multiply churches and multiply workers for the harvest field.” This, he said, was a work of God. “We need the work of God in us, so that we long for the welfare of our neighbours and friends and fellow Sydneysiders with the longing of Jesus who wept over Jerusalem, though it was hardened against him.”

– At, Russell Powell has details of this afternoon’s Presidential Address by Archbishop Kanishka Raffel on the first day of Synod for 2023.

You can also watch or hear the Archbishop’s address.

Scams… and how to avoid the worst sort

“Have you ever received an SMS telling you to urgently pay a toll?

An email informing you of an incredible investment opportunity?

An unsolicited telephone call apparently from a reputable organisation asking for your personal details?

Or a Facebook friend request from someone whose name you don’t know and whose somewhat provocative profile photo you suspect is probably not a photo of them at all?

If so, you have almost definitely been the target of a scam. …”

– At The Gospel Coalition of Australia, Stephen Liggins wants Christians to avoid the most dangerous scams of all.

Resources for Sydney Synod members 2023

Sydney Synod meets this month. Here are three resources from the Anglican Church League for Synod members. The updated Synod Survival Guide will be especially helpful for new Synod members.

  1. The Synod Survival Guide by Dr Robert Tong, updated – free download.
  2. The ACL Synod Dinner – Hear Simon Flinders’ encouraging address.
  3. The ACL Synod Briefing Podcast – now online!

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