Sunday morning encouragement
A new song for Christmas – How Still the Starry Night – from Emu Music.
Ordained for far and wide
“It’s a very great joy to be settting aside these men and women for this ministry,” said Archbishop Kanishka Raffel as he took his first ordination service as Archbishop. “I am reminded of my own deaconing service in St Andrew’s cathedral and I’m so grateful to God for his faithfulness.”
The Archbishop spoke as ordinands prepared to embark to ministries as wide afield as suburban Sydney to Darwin, Norfolk Island and the Seychelles. …
– Encouraging story from Russell Powell about the latest ordinations at St. Andrew’s Cathedral.
Biden Administration seeks to strip right from Christian Colleges to operate according to Historic, Christian Beliefs on Gender
In his The Briefing for 18 November 2021, Albert Mohler warns about “a moral revolution of unprecedented nature”.
Listen here. He covers the topic in the first 9 minutes and 40 seconds.
A word on behalf of church pastors around Melbourne
“I thought I would take a moment to share some of the things pastors are trying their best to address at the moment.
Pastoring a church is a tremendous privilege and joy, and it’s not always an easy task. Indeed there is reason why many pastors burn out after a few years and many don’t make it beyond 10 years in the ministry.
This pandemic has bowled a googley at all of us, no matter our religious views, job, and life situation. Pastors are not immune from the daily stresses, troubles, and temptations that we all face.…”
– Murray Campbell (at Mentone Baptist Church) shares something of what is happening for pastors in Melbourne (and elsewhere). Fuel for prayer.
Reflections on Advent with Amy Kuhn
“Advent serves as a reminder to us and those around us of our Saviour’s birth, without which we would not have the hope and security of salvation.
In the lead up to Christmas, we have a time to reflect, prepare, wait, rejoice, and celebrate. We essentially are getting ready for the most important birthday party of the year. …”
– The Australian Church Record asks Amy Kuhn for her reflections on the season of Advent.
Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry
There’s never been a greater need for sound biblical doctrine in our churches,
That’s the theme of the latest 9Marks Journal.
ePetition for Allowah Presbyterian Children’s Hospital
Presbyterian Social Services in NSW are seeking help in gaining vital funding for the Allowah Presbyterian Children’s Hospital in Dundas.
“The only hospital dedicated to the health of children with disabilities in NSW is Allowah Presbyterian Children’s Hospital. It operates on a $5,500,000 budget to employ 150 staff, mostly nurses, as they meet the health of 120 special children.
While Allowah is grateful for the adhoc MOU with Sydney Children’s Hospital Network to help fund this healthcare, the nature of the agreement means it provides just $5,000 per year.”
– from the ePetition at Jericho Road, the website of Presbyterian Social Services.
Read more background at their website:
“For the longer term, in order to address the financial vulnerability caused by setbacks such as COVID-19, we have been discussing ways that Allowah could better partner with NSW Health to meet the needs of children with complex medical needs and disabilities. We have had several discussions with Senior Policy Officers from the Ministry of Health and the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, and hope to progress a number of partnerships with NSW Health.
The reality is though that these longer-term initiatives will not address our immediate and urgent need for funds in 2021 due to COVID-19. We need $1.6M emergency funding to see us through 2021.”
– and do consider signing the petition.
Armidale Synod meets Saturday 20 November 2021
The Synod of the Diocese of Armidale meets on Saturday in Tamworth.
You could pray for the members of the Synod, and Bishop Rod Chiswell, as they seek to proclaim the saving news of Christ in their part of NSW.
The Unseen World
“As Christians we know that there is more to reality than what can be sensed through empirical processes.
For a start, God is spirit, and so can’t be seen under the microscope or through a telescope. And we believe in angels and demons – spiritual beings that could affect us in ways we may not be aware of.
But I suspect that you, like me, tend to sail through each day blithely unaware of these unseen realities…”
– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Tim Thorburn writes about the unseen realities.
‘Passion for Life’ Down Under? — The Pastor’s Heart
“How might Australia and other countries take advantage of the united evangelism campaign being arranged for the UK and Ireland?
Can the campaign be used to give us a needed evangelistic shot in the arm?”
– At The Pastor’s Heart, Dominic Steele speaks with Jodie McNeill, Elliot Temple and Tom Melbourne.
28 minutes. Take the time to be encouraged and challenged.
See also:
Q&A with Phil Colgan
“A broad-ranging chat with Phil Colgan about the opportunities and threats we face, about being proud of the gospel, about the two books everyone should read, and more.”
– Listen, or read the transcript, at The Payneful Truth.
(Image: Phil Colgan on The Pastor’s Heart, August 2018.)
Nexus Refresh — Friday 03 December 2021
Nexus Refresh is set for 10:00am on Friday 3 December 2021 at Village Church Annandale.
“We’re looking forward to getting together in person for a day to pray, be refreshed for ministry by hearing from God’s word, sing the praises of our great God and of course to eat together.”
Watch Chris Braga encourage you to be there.
Sunday Morning Encouragement
With thanks to Rob Smith and St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney.
Should I Choose a Church for its Pastor?
“If you are looking for a good church, the role of the preacher of God’s Word is the most important thing to consider.
I don’t care how friendly you think the church members are. I don’t care how good you think the music is. Those things can change.
But the congregation’s commitment to the centrality of the Word coming from the front, from the preacher, the one specially gifted by God and called to that ministry, is the most important thing you can look for in a church. …”
– In this extract adapted from Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, Mark Dever shares some advice on choosing a church. At Crossway.
Anglican Bishop Julian Dobbs on Proclaiming the Gospel in Albany, New York
“The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany this month opened the door to the practice of same-sex marriage within the diocese, a departure from what was until recently permitted there. Albany was the last remaining domestic diocese in the Episcopal Church to proscribe the use of same-sex rites that were effectively required following the 2018 General Convention.
In March I reported how some Albany clergy had begun seeking canonical residency within the Anglican Church in North America, the first public movement of clergy in New York’s Capital District since the resignation of Bishop William H. Love earlier that winter. The Anglican Diocese of the Living Word, which already has congregations in upstate New York, received a new congregation near Albany and began making plans for a regional ministry network emphasizing church planting. That has now grown to four churches, plus an additional church received into the neighboring Anglican Diocese in New England.
This week I spoke with Diocese of the Living Word Bishop Julian Dobbs about unfolding ministry opportunities in New York’s Capital Region and how the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) hopes to be a faithful and growing witness to the gospel there. …”
– At Juicy Ecumenism, Jeffrey Walton speaks with Bishop Julian Dobbs.