Why Saturday’s election is like all the others, and yet not

Tony PayneVoting in elections, like pretty much everything we do, is an exercise in glorifying God by loving our neighbour.

Or as Paul puts it: ‘So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God, just as I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved. Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ’ (1 Cor 10:31-11:1).

The principle as it applies to voting is simple enough: we should do everything for the glory of God by seeking the advantage of many. As we eat or drink or work or drive or vote, we should not seek our own good, but the good of many others, and especially their chief good of being saved in Christ. 

What does this mean for our vote this Saturday?…

… Christians will regard people’s destiny in Christ as their chief good. As we consider all the good and harm that may be attained through governmental action, we will give a special priority to those actions that provide space and opportunity for the gospel to be clearly proclaimed. As Paul said, do everything for the glory of God by seeking the good of many, so that they may be saved

And that’s why this election is unlike any I’ve voted in over the past 36 years in Australia…

– At Moore College’s Centre for Christian Living, Tony Payne lays out the great motivation for evangelical Christians to consider carefully how they should vote.


Same Sex Marriage: Don’t wait till after the Election.

Why we need a plebiscite.

Teaching and learning in the Bible: An interview with Dr Claire Smith

Dr Claire SmithI think there are two errors to avoid when we consider what ‘teaching’ is in church.

We can conclude that ‘teaching’ is everything – and on that basis, read 1 Timothy 2 and the injunction that women are not to teach and have authority over men (2:12) and conclude that a woman can’t say anything to a man lest he learn something from her!

Or we can claim that what Paul was talking about was a very narrow, particular form of ‘teaching’ directed at special circumstances at the time the letter was written, and therefore his instruction no longer applies to us…”

Equal But Different has published on their website an interview with Dr. Claire Smith, on the theme of Teaching and Learning in the Bible. The interview first appeared in Magnolia magazine.

Defending classic marriage

Canon Sandy GrantGod is the ultimate marriage celebrant. Our Prayer Book marriage services – the only services by which Anglican clergy are authorised to conduct marriages – says, ‘What God has joined together, let no-one put asunder’.

These words are repeated after the couple’s vows as part of the minister’s declaration of marriage: ‘Those whom God has joined together let not man put asunder’. Indeed, if the couple chooses either the Gospel of Matthew or the Gospel of Mark as their Bible reading, you will hear those words for a third time!

God is the ultimate marriage celebrant. The union is not just a secular legal status; marriage existed before nation states and their laws. With marriage, we are talking about an absolute reality: it’s God who joins people together in marriage. A society can redefine marriage in its rhetoric and laws. But we cannot redefine the ultimate deep reality of marriage.

But what is biblical marriage?…”

– In an article adapted from a speech he gave at Sydney Synod in October year, Sandy Grant reminds us why the ‘classic view’ of marriage is worth defending. At GoThereFor.com.

A leading Anglican theologian exposes the ‘Third Way’ myth

Charles RavenMyths are not necessarily old. A new myth is being invented by Anglican church leaders who claim to be orthodox and even evangelical.

They tell us that differences between Christians about the acceptability of same-sex relationships are secondary issues and the Church should therefore follow a ‘Third Way’…”

– Canon Charles Raven (pictured), Membership Development Secretary for GAFCON, highlights this commentary by Dr Martin Davie.

Social Media – Enemy or Friend

David CookThere is no use complaining about social media. Like wealth, it is here to stay. Like wealth, it is very useful.

When I left SMBC in 2011, the student body presented me with an iPad. Frankly, I didn’t know what I was going to do with such a contraption. Now, nearly five years later, I don’t know how I ever coped without it.

With my iPad I do my banking, receive and send emails, read the newspaper, listen to the radio, check cricket, rugby league and even AFL scores. As well, there are all sorts of apps which I find useful.

However, like wealth, there are dangers. Like wealth, social media is a very helpful servant but a dominating and potentially destructive master…”

– David Cook calls Christians to reassert control.

Priests or Presbyters?

1662_ordinalThe ambiguity of priest/presbyter might seem like linguistic pedantry. The poor English word ‘priest’ has to do overtime, since it translates two separate New Testament words…”

– At Church Society, Robert Evans – about to be ordained Priest (or is it Presbyter?) – outlines what the Ordinal means by ‘priest’.

Two new members of the Moore College faculty in 2017

Paul Grimmond and Pete TongLast Thursday evening, the Governing Board of the College approved the Principal’s nomination of two new members of the Moore College faculty to begin in January 2017.

Rev Paul Grimmond has been serving as Senior Assistant Minister at Unichurch (UNSW) since 2010, having previously been an editor for Matthias Media (2008–2009) and Rector of Unichurch (2003–2008). …

Rev Peter Tong is Assistant Minister at St Andrews Wahroonga. Prior to 2015 he was an Assistant Minister for five years at Naremburn-Cammeray Anglican Church (2009–2014)…”

– Good news from Moore College. Read the details here.

Freedom for Faith Sydney Conference, 12th August – bookings now open

Dr Mike Ovey“There has never been a more important time for Christians to think about the place of religious freedom in Australia. …

There is a sense that Christians are more and more out of step with cultural elites and that soon they may hold beliefs which are at odds with Australian law. Looking globally we see genocidal persecution of believers on a scale that has never been seen before.

Churches are crying out for leadership in knowing how to live in these changing times. Come and be equipped and refreshed.

Dr Michael Ovey, Principal of Oak Hil College in London will headline a great day of teaching…”

Freedom for Faith is holding a conference at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Friday 12th August 2016.

Details – and a link to book in – on this page.

“Sharing the message of freedom in a threatening public square.

A one day conference for Christian leaders. Join Dr Michael Ovey (Oak Hill College London), Professor Iain Benson (Notre Dame Law School), Rev Kanishka Raffel (Anglican Dean of Sydney), Dr Megan Best – ethicist, Dr Sam Chan – Evangelist City Bible Forum, Archbishop Julian Porteous – Catholic Archbishop of Hobart, Lyle Shelton – Australian Christian Lobby & more. ”

See also the interview with Freedom For Faith Executive Director Michael Kellahan on page 10 of The Pulse, May – June 2016 (PDF).

Seasoned with Salt? – Christian Responses to Brexit

David RobertsonSome of the comments from Christians who were on the Remain side have also been sober, reflective and asking for prayer and unity. Again as I would have expected. But what I did not expect are the number of comments and posts which have reflected a very different spirit; bitter, cynical and full of contempt and fear…”

– Free Church of Scotland Moderator David Robertson (who is currently in Oz) reflects on some of the Christian responses to the Leave vote, with a reminder that God is still sovereign – irrespective of which way the vote went.

‘Same-sex intimate unions’

Dr Mark Thompson“Once again the issue of same-sex intimate unions is in the headlines. …

The supporters of these changes insist that this is an issue of fundamental human rights — the right to marry the one I love — and of equality. The slogan that has been used with most effect in the campaign in Australia is ‘marriage equality’. Just as racial equality was the great cause of the mid-twentieth century, and gender equality similarly in the late twentieth century, the time has come for marriage equality. It is presented as the great civil liberty issue of our time. Listen to the speeches of the advocates — the stakes are very high indeed. …

It is possible to present this change as both necessary and inevitable and even to suggest it is a change that can be made without any adverse consequences at all. But how can we be sure that is the case if we do not listen—seriously and sympathetically listen— to the voices of dissent?”

– In the light of talk about a plebiscite, Dr Mark Thompson’s article on Same-sex intimate unions, published in July 2015, is an important one, and well worth re-reading.

Character in Leadership — does it still matter?

Albert MohlerIn the 1976 presidential campaign, former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter, then the Democratic nominee, made headlines in the United States and around the world merely by granting a single interview. That interview was with Playboy magazine.

The interview was a political bombshell. No major American politician had come within any distance of Playboy magazine. It was considered the iconic symbol of American pornography, and the very fact that a political candidate—not to mention the nominee of one of America’s major political parties—had granted an interview to Playboy magazine, seemed almost morally unbelievable and indefensible…”

– Albert Mohler asks whether evangelical Christians care any more about the moral character of leaders.

21 Questions with Barronelle Stutzman

barronelle-stutzmanBarronelle Stutzman is the Washington florist sued by a gay man, a friend and client of almost a decade, who was outraged by her refusal to do the flowers for his same-sex wedding. Whatever you think you know about her case, I bet you don’t know a lot of things in that short three-minute video.”

– Rod Dreher at The American Conservative highlights this video. (h/t Tim Challies.)

Why we need a plebiscite

Bishop Michael Stead“In his campaign launch speech last Saturday the leader of the Federal Opposition, the Hon. Bill Shorten, has politicised the same-sex marriage plebiscite, making it a key point of differentiation between Labor and the Coalition. Mr Shorten affirmed Labor’s commitment to introduce same-sex marriage legislation if elected on July 2, and claimed that the Coalition promise of a plebiscite to allow Australians to have their say on this important social change would be a ‘taxpayer-funded platform for homophobia’…”

– Bishop Michael Stead, chair of the Religious Freedom Reference Group for Sydney Diocese, argues the case for an informed choice about same-sex marriage in the form of a plebiscite.

john-sandeman-michael-steadBishop Stead was interviewed by John Sandeman for Eternity Newspaper. (Scroll to the bottom of the page for the video.)

“Our driving agenda is telling people about Jesus.”

ACNA Provincial Council 2016

Canon Phil Ashey sends this video report from the ACNA Provincial Council, currently meeting in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

GAFCON 3 to be held in Jerusalem in 2018

GAFCON_Jerusalem_560News from GAFCON:

GAFCON Conference 2018

June 22, 2016

The Chairman and fellow Primates of the GAFCON Council are pleased to announce that the third GAFCON conference will be held in Jerusalem in 2018.

Jerusalem has a special place in the hearts of the GAFCON movement as it was the location of the first conference in 2008. Moreover, Jerusalem stands as a constant reminder of the birth of the Gospel and the movement’s determination to remain true to the teachings of our Lord and his Holy Word.

GAFCON was greatly blessed by both the initial conference and the second meeting in Nairobi in 2013. When Anglicans from across the Communion come together in unity it is a tremendous blessing, and we are excited to see the Church built up in the land where it was given its foundation.

Dates and further details will be announced in due course.

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