Former Bishop of Grafton stripped of holy orders

Diocese of Grafton crest“A former bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton has been stripped of any standing within the church over his handling of allegations of abuse at the North Coast Children’s Home…”

– Report from ABC News. Please pray for all involved in this sad situation.

See also: Ad Clerum from The Archbishop of Brisbane and press release from the Diocese of Grafton. (500kb PDF file)

When Billy Graham (almost) gave up on the Bible

Marcus Loane and Billy Graham 1979 Sydney Crusade“…what do we do when we experience doubts that might cause us to give up on Christ, or even to radically alter our views about the Christian faith? …

Having recently read his autobiography, I found it very interesting to learn how Billy Graham faced a crisis of this kind…”

A most encouraging piece from Moore College’s Dr. Peter Orr. Read it all.

(Photo: Archbishop Marcus Loane and Billy Graham at the 1979 Crusade. Courtesy Ramon Williams / Worldwide Photos.)

Biography of Sir Marcus Loane launched in Sydney

Canon Allan M BlanchA large crowd gathered in Sydney on October 14th for the launch of a substantial biography of Sir Marcus Loane, Archbishop of Sydney 1966-1982.

From Strength to Strength – A Life of Marcus Loane, was written by Canon Allan M. Blanch, who is also an Emeritus Vice-President of the Anglican Church League.

The book was launched by Dame Marie Bashir.

From Strength to Strength promises to be an important contribution to Australian Church History. It also introduces Sir Marcus to new generations of Christians who, until now, may have known little about this towering figure.

from-strength-to-strength-cover2A paperback edition is now available for order through the publisher’s website.

Top photo: Allan Blanch at the book launch.

Related: Archbishop Marcus Loane photo gallery.

Defending classic marriage — Synod speeches

Canon Sandy GrantCanon Sandy Grant moved, and Mrs Tara Sing seconded, the motion “Affirmation of marriage as between a man and a woman” at Sydney Synod on Wednesday 14th October 2015.

The text of Sandy’s speech is now available as a 115kb PDF file, with links to useful resources, and the final form of the resolution, as it was passed, at the end.

Mrs Tara Sing’s speech seconding the motion is below – Read more

New Churches for New Communities

ncncThe Archbishop of Sydney’s New Churches for New Communities has released these videos to highlight the work of building new church buildings in the growing areas of Sydney.

(The first video features Bishop Ivan Lee, for whom prayers continue to be requested.)

Sydney Synod reaffirms marriage

Tara Sing - Photo Russell Powell“A capacity-crowd at the Sydney Synod has voted for a re-affirmation of marriage as between a man and a woman and called for all Australian Christians to respectfully engage in the public debate on redefining marriage.

‘If we don’t do this – what will our silence say?’ argued Tara Sing [pictured], who spoke as seconder of the reaffirmation motion…”

– Read the story at

Playboy opened the floodgates and now the culture is drowning

Albert Mohler“Scott Flanders, Playboy CEO, told the media that his product had been overtaken by the larger culture. ‘You’re just one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And it’s just passé at this juncture.’

That is one of the most morally revealing statements of recent times.”

Albert Mohler comments on the tragic results of the Playboy revolution.

Police raid Sat-7’s Cairo offices

sat-7“Egyptian police raided Sat-7 channel’s Cairo offices on Oct. 10, confiscating equipment and briefly detaining the pioneer Arabic Christian broadcaster’s country office director.

Detained for hours before being released, director Farid Samir faces possible charges related to operating a satellite TV channel ‘without the necessary licenses,’ a press release by the Sat-7 Cyprus office said two days later…”

– Report from World Watch Monitor.

Will revisionism save the C of E? We’re about to find out

The Rev Andrew Symes, Anglican MainstreamAnglican Mainstream’s Andrew Symes writes about elections to the Church of England’s General Synod, and the election of The Rev Andrew Foreshew-Cain as a representative for the Diocese of London –

“In February 2014 the Bishops’ post-Synod statement reiterated that the Church of England cannot bless same sex relationships nor change its doctrine of marriage.

Specifically an appeal was made to clergy in same sex relationships (which were supposed to be “celibate” anyway) not to take advantage of the forthcoming change in law (March 2014) to get married, because this would cause confusion about the Church’s teaching.

Two clergy who defied this ruling became focal points for media interest: Jeremy Pemberton and Andrew Cain. What are we to make of the fact that the latter has become part of the decision making and governing body of the organisation whose teaching and practice on a crucial matter he has rejected?”

Read it here.

A Tale of Two Archbishops — ACL Synod Dinner talk 2015

Dr Ed LoaneDr Ed Loane from Moore College spoke to a packed ACL Synod Dinner at the Chapter House on Monday 12th October, 2015.

His topic: A Tale of Two Archbishops: Christian Unity in the Ministries of Archbishop Temple and Archbishop Mowll.

What were the key differences between these two towering figures? What lessons can we learn? Listen to Ed’s fascinating talk which has many contemporary applications:

Or right-click this link to download the 9.7MB mp3 file.

Update: You can also read Dr. Loane’s notes, in this PDF file.

ArchbishopMowll by Alfred G Reynolds 1958Archbishop Howard Mowll, painted by Alfred G. Reynolds, 1958. On display at Mowll Village, Castle Hill. (Click the image for the full painting.)

Below: Attendees chat over dessert and coffee.

Related links: ACL Membership application.
The Synod Survival Guide.


Archbishop Mowll biography by Mrarus Loane

Archbishop Davies rallies Anglicans as Synod begins

Archbishop Glenn Davies“The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has delivered a rallying address on Christian mission, persecution and perseverance at the start of the church’s 2015 Synod…”

– from Russell Powell at

Read the full text here (will download a PDF file) – or listen at this link (35MB mp3 audio) or watch the video.

Take the time to watch, hear or read the full address.

The Archbishop’s Presidential Address to the Sydney Synod on October 12th, 2015.

Here’s one extract:

“That two TV stations should recently refuse to air advertisements by Marriage Alliance for promoting what is simply the law of the land is a scandal! It is also symptomatic of the wave of naïve enthusiasm for the novelty of ‘same-sex marriage’ that a significant number of corporations have published their endorsement for this change in our law. How, one might ask, does such a position have anything to do with the core business of these companies—it is inexplicable. Why don’t we hear from these companies about their views on the treatment of asylum seekers on Manus Island or the decline in Australia’s foreign aid budget or other controversial issues such as the slave trade, euthanasia or abortion? Have these companies any idea of how many shareholders, let alone employees, who do not share these publicly endorsed sentiments regarding ‘same-sex marriage’?”

Good Governance Workshop

Good Governance WorkshopGood Governance Workshop

6:30pm, Thursday 26th November 2015.

This workshop is for you if you’ve been elected to a board or a council, particularly if you feel your own management experience doesn’t prepare you for this ‘governance’ role.

As a service to our diocesan organisations and the people elected by our Synod, the Anglican Church League presents a workshop designed to equip members of boards and committees with good governance principles and practice.

Click the image to download an invitation in PDF format.

What:  A series of presentations on governance – particularly as it pertains to the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

Who is it for? Board members appointed to organisations of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

When: Thursday 26th November, 6:30pm–9:00pm.

Where: At The Chapter House – please enter via rear door of St. Andrew’s Cathedral.

How much? No charge.

To register, please send an e-mail to our organising committee at via this link, specifying the names of attendees (so we can ensure we have the right number of handouts, etc.).

Main Speakers:

Archbishop Glenn Davies
on Evangelical Governance: what difference does the gospel make to governance?

Dr Robert Tong
on Responsible evangelical governance of diocesan boards.

Canon Bruce Morrison
on Responsible evangelical governance of school councils.

Liberalism and the Church of Scotland

David RobertsonDavid Robertson, minister of St. Peter’s Free Church in Dundee, has been reflecting on the direction of the Church of Scotland. (Ten Reasons Why the Church of Scotland is in Decline – March 20, 2015.)

As a result, he was recently invited to take part in a public conversation with a prominent Church of Scotland minister.

The full transcript of the only recording (mp3 file) is both disturbing in what it reveals of classic liberalism, and most encouraging in David’s example in speaking the truth.

What’s involved in being Archbishop of Sydney?

Archbishop Glenn DaviesIn the August and September 2015 issues of Southern Cross, Archbishop Glenn Davies writes about some of what is involved in being Archbishop of Sydney.

Both parts are now up on the website and you can read them here – Part 1 (Leading in Truth), and Part 2 (Great Mission).

Australian Church Record October 2015

acr_1915The latest issue of The Australian Church Record is now out. Just in time for Sydney Synod.

Grab a copy from their website.

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