Archbishop Marcus Loane photo gallery
All photos with thanks to Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos unless otherwise credited.
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Marcus Loane as Principal of Moore College in 1955. Photo taken for the Centenary History.

Press Conference with Billy Graham at St. Andrew’s House in May 1979. Warwick Olson (director of public relations for the diocese) is at left.

With Billy Graham in 1979.

With Billy Graham in Sydney in 1968.

Archbishop Marcus Loane.

Sir Marcus Loane.

Synod meeting in Chapter House, October 1976.

With the Queen at St Andrew’s Cathedral, October 1973. (The Queen was here to open the Sydney Opera House.)

With Queen Elizabeth II at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, March 13 1977.

With Prince Charles, 1981, looking up at the Cathedral.

Sir Marcus and Lady Loane at Bishopscourt, 1980. Photo: Anglican Information Office, Sydney.

Sir Marcus at the Crusaders Conference Centre, Galston, 1980. Photo: Dane Courtney.

Sir Marcus 2008. Silas Horton looks on.

Sir Marcus and Lady Loane, November 2008.

Archbishops Loane, Robinson, Goodhew and Jensen, February 24th 2008.