Resurrection and Judgement

The Last Judgment“It may seem odd to associate resurrection with judgement, especially in a world that considers ‘judgement’ as some kind of swear word, but Jesus’ resurrection actually has much to say about judgement…”

– A third reflection on Easter from The Australian Church Record.

Duke and Duchess to sign Australia’s first Bible on Easter Sunday

Richard Johnson's Bible and Prayer Book“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are attending church this Easter, joining the congregation at Sydney’s St Andrew’s Cathedral.

The royal couple will sign the First Fleet Bible and Prayer Book as they leave the church on Easter Day. The books were originally the personal Bible and prayer book of Australia’s first chaplain, Richard Johnson…”

– Story from Eternity Newspaper.

Abp of Melbourne on ABC News 24

Archbishop of Melbourne Philip FreierThe Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr. Philip Freier, was interviewed on ABC News 24 this morning – on the meaning of Easter and a compassionate society. Watch it here.

Related: Jesus Christ’s resurrection relevant to all Australians, Sydney Archbishop says in Easter message.

Archbishop Glenn Davies’ Easter Message 2014

Click here for the full text and PDF downloadRead more

The Most Dangerous Idea

Phillip Jensen“Which dangerous idea has the greatest potential to change the world for the better?

This was a question put to the panellists at the end of a QandA show during the “Festival of Dangerous Ideas” last year.

One of the panellists asked time to think of an answer. That, in itself, is an extraordinary event in a show that censors anything above a sound bite…”

– Dean of Sydney, Phillip Jensen, points to the most dangerous idea of all.

Mike Baird elected Premier of New South Wales

Mike Baird“Committed Christian and father of three, Liberal MP Mike Baird has been elected Premier of New South Wales.”

– Story from Eternity Newspaper.

and Miranda Devine at The Telegraph gives some background –

“[Mike Baird] became involved in Anglican church fellowship, where he met his wife, Kerryn, whom he married at age 21. …

His investment banking career was flourishing at Deutsche Bank when he began to wonder: ‘Is that all there is? Should I be just about accumulating money?’ So in 1994 he told Kerryn he wanted to go to Bible college and within a year they were in Vancouver at Regent College…”

(Photo: Parliament of NSW.)

The Flesh and Bones of the Resurrection

australian-church-record-10“Now the first thing to affirm is that Jesus’ resurrection really was bodily. Thomas was able to observe and touch Jesus’ hands and side (Jn. 20:27). Jesus himself declared that he was ‘flesh and bones’ and not some ghost (Luke 24:39). Jesus was even able to eat (Luke 24:43). And lets not forget that the tomb itself was empty.

In a world that has always been sceptical about the resurrection this great truth must continue to be proclaimed.”

– The Australian Church Record publishes a second article on the significance of Easter.

Anglican Network in Canada Easter Message

Bishop Charlie Masters“Imagine someone announcing that:

This, of course, is exactly the message we bring and would remind you of …”

Bishop Charlie Masters’ Easter Letter.

Easter messages from Around Oz — 2014

Anglican Church of AustraliaWe’ll add Easter messages from around Australia as we spot them. Please pray that Christian leaders will speak clearly of Christ and the hope he offers.

Paul writes: “pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ… that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.” – Colossians 4:3-4.

StuTube Easter 2014

Canberra & Goulburn – Bishop Stuart Robinson:

Text: “On Good Friday, Jesus took our worst so that on Easter morning we could be reconciled with him…”

Plus a video message.

Newcastle – Bishop Greg Thompson:

“The dying and rising of Jesus provides us with an overarching vision for working for justice in our country…”

Melbourne – Archbishop Philip Freier:

“The crucifixion was God’s great act of solidarity with all those who suffer…”

Tasmania – Bishop John Harrower:

“It is a great comfort to know that there is victory over death. Therefore we can live with the complexities and cruelties of life in the sure hope of eternal life…”

Professor Ian Harper writes for The Australian Financial Review

“There’s nothing like the death of a close friend to remind you of what really matters. Last week, on successive days, I attended the funerals of an old friend and a young colleague, and gave the eulogy at one of them. Death seems so final; such a full stop at the end of life’s sentence…”

Sydney – Archbishop Glenn Davies:

“…only Jesus can perform the heart operation that brings eternal life, for only he has conquered death on the Cross, once and for all.”

More congregations leave the Church of Scotland

Church of Scotland“Two of the wealthiest Church of ­Scotland congregations are quitting the Kirk just weeks before the General Assembly over the issue of gay ordination. The move is a new cash blow with the two congregations contributing £315,000 between them to the Church…”

– Report from The Herald Scotland.

What actually happened on Resurrection Day? A clear and simple account

Dr Peter Bolt“Many detractors of the Christian message claim that the four accounts of Jesus’ resurrection contain discrepancies that are irreconcilable and so fatal to the Gospels’ authenticity and truth. Contrary to these claims, the extraordinary events of that amazing day can be told in a clear and simple account.

It was Sunday, the 5th April AD 33, and the action began around dawn with exactly three women involved…”

– Dr. Peter Bolt explores what happened on Resurrection Day.
(Photo: St. Helen’s Bishopsgate.)

Tweet #Eastermeans, says Church of England

cross-5“Theologian and religious commentator @vickybeeching said: ‘I’m excited about the #EasterMeans campaign – it encourages Christians to give the world a window into their personal faith; why Easter matters to them and how the events of Jesus’ death and resurrection have impacted their life.’…”

– Good idea, via the Anglican Communion News Service.

Easter: It Really Happened! So What?

Easter: It really happened! But so what?In the lead up to Easter, The Australian Church Record is sharing some encouragement from the Scriptures every few days. From the first article –

“When it comes to the resurrection of Jesus, most contemporary Christian writing has been centred on its historicity. Preaching often tends to focus on the historical details and the fact that it really happened, rather than its meaning. As a result, the average pew sitter might have a robust apologetic in response to the historical claim of the resurrection, but be somewhat cloudy when it comes to its theological significance…”

See it here.

Remembering Archbishop Marcus Loane

Sir Marcus and Lady Loane at Bishopscourt 1980, published 1981Today marks the 5th anniversary of the death of Sir Marcus Loane, Archbishop of Sydney from 1966 to 1982 and Primate of Australian 1979 to 1982. (Thanks to Greg Blaxland for the reminder.)

Perhaps it’s a good time to pause to give thanks for him and his legacy in Sydney and beyond.

Here are a few articles from the archives –

‘First gay clergyman to wed plunges Church into crisis’

Church of England web logo“A senior Church of England clergyman yesterday became the first to enter into a gay  marriage – in direct defiance of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby – plunging the Church into a fresh crisis.

Canon Jeremy Pemberton tied the knot with Laurence Cunnington under new laws allowing same-sex marriages pushed through by David Cameron in the face of bitter opposition from backbench MPs and the Church…”

– from Mail Online.

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