Writing an Article

Posted on September 29, 2024 
Filed under Resources

“Here is some advice from an editor who does not quite fit E.B. White’s double-sided definition: ‘An editor is a person who knows more about writing than writers do but who has escaped the terrible desire to write.’

What follows is just some thoughts about escaping the desire to write terribly.

Your aim is to write an article for your monthly parish paper, or for AP, or for your local newspaper, or even for your own website. The length might be about 1000 words. How do you go about it? J. I. Packer called himself ‘an accidental author’. He was never taught how to do it. He was asked to do it, and he kept doing it. …”

Rev. Dr. Peter Barnes, Editor of AP, the national online Presbyterian journal, shares some practical ideas on writing an article.