Will revisionism save the C of E? We’re about to find out

Posted on October 14, 2015 
Filed under Church of England, Opinion

The Rev Andrew Symes, Anglican MainstreamAnglican Mainstream’s Andrew Symes writes about elections to the Church of England’s General Synod, and the election of The Rev Andrew Foreshew-Cain as a representative for the Diocese of London –

“In February 2014 the Bishops’ post-Synod statement reiterated that the Church of England cannot bless same sex relationships nor change its doctrine of marriage.

Specifically an appeal was made to clergy in same sex relationships (which were supposed to be “celibate” anyway) not to take advantage of the forthcoming change in law (March 2014) to get married, because this would cause confusion about the Church’s teaching.

Two clergy who defied this ruling became focal points for media interest: Jeremy Pemberton and Andrew Cain. What are we to make of the fact that the latter has become part of the decision making and governing body of the organisation whose teaching and practice on a crucial matter he has rejected?”

Read it here.