Wilfrid Law Docker (1846-1919) Accountant and a thorough Anglican

Posted on August 12, 2023 
Filed under People, Sydney Diocese

“Upon the death of Wilfrid Law Docker (often misspelled as Wilfred) it was said that death had removed one of those men who are the salt of the community and furthermore that:

There are many whose loss would attract greater notice, but there are few who will be so long and so much missed in a number of public affairs touching the religious and philanthropic, and educational interests of this city.

Who, then, was Wilfrid Law Docker? What had he done in his life to be accorded the designation of ‘salt of the community’? And why would he be ‘much missed in … the religious and philanthropic and educational interests’ of Sydney?…”

– At his website Philanthropists and Philanthropy in Australian Colonial History, Paul F Cooper, Research Fellow of Christ College, Sydney, provides fascinating glimpses into the lives of many who helped shape Sydney and beyond.

In his latest contribution, Paul introduces us to Wilfrid Law Docker, member of the Chapter of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, a member of the Standing Committee of the Diocesan Synod, the Synod of the Province and the General Synod of Australia.