‘When we get it wrong’ — Southern Cross

Posted on June 5, 2014 
Filed under Resources, Sydney Diocese

Southern Cross June 2014 updated“Some months ago, the team at Southern Cross started planning to do a cover story on prayer.

They say everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. With prayer, we don’t talk much about it and do it even less (myself included).

Article complete, we went about trying to illustrate it. It seemed ‘knee fitness’ might be catchy and contemporary. Because we don’t have the funds to stage our own photography, we used a stock image of a woman in fitness gear.

In an effort to focus on the knees to make the theme work, the cover unhelpfully drew attention to other parts of her body and cut off her head, depersonalising the image.

Let me be clear. This was a mistake. With the best of intentions we actually did the opposite of what we were trying to do. …”

– Russell Powell, CEO of Anglican Media Sydney, issues an apology. An exemplary way for Christians to respond.

And you can now download the updated version of Southern Cross – with lots of great content – here as a 5.3MB PDF file.