What did Jesus say?

Posted on January 22, 2014 
Filed under Resources

The Rev Andrew Symes“Here are three accusations commonly levelled at Christian teaching:

One, people like to drive a wedge between Jesus and rest of the Bible and Christian tradition. So we often hear it said: ‘the God of the Old Testament is harsh and judgemental; the New Testament God is kind and loving’…

Two, the importance of sexual morality is often downplayed compared with other aspects of human life. ‘Why is the church obsessed with sex?’ people complain. …

Three, the dominant narrative about religion in the media is this: ‘The church must change, or it will be irrelevant’…”

– At last week’s “Setting Love in Order” conference in the UK, Anglican Mainstream’s Andrew Symes spoke on “Homosexual orientation and practice: what did Jesus say?”. Here’s the paper on which he based his talk.