What are the bishops saying and doing in response to the end of LLF?

Posted on January 21, 2023 
Filed under Church of England, Culture wars

“Well, the time has come. The long-awaited (and much leaked) statement from the House of Bishops after the exhausting process of Living in Love and Faith has at least been made public. …

It is difficult to know how different groups in the Church will respond to this. Justin Welby has said (at the press conference) that he himself will not use  these prayers, in light of his role in the Anglican Communion—but that will make no difference at all. This will be the last straw, and the complete break-up of the Communion, which began to happen at the Lambeth Conference in the summer, will surely follow swiftly.”

– British theologian Ian Paul at Psephizo takes a close look at the Bishops’ commitment to blessing same-sex marriages.