Wanted: Catholic Pastors

Posted on December 3, 2023 
Filed under Encouragement

“I was in a meeting not too long ago in which a pastor said that he was going to lead his church to be the first church in history that fulfilled the Great Commission.

That’s a breathtaking claim.

And it reminded me of many other such vision-casting mission statements. One of the most famous slogans has to be the watchword of the Student Volunteer Movement, from over a century ago — ‘The evangelization of the world in this generation!’ That stirring call was used by God to send thousands of evangelical Christians from the English-speaking world around the globe to share the gospel in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

But I have to be honest—I’ve always thought that famous slogan was a mixed bag. …”

— At 9Marks, Mark Dever sees the need for pastors to be more catholic.