Vero Beach Florida in ‘amicable separation’

Posted on April 26, 2008 
Filed under News

Bishop John Howe of Central FloridaBishop John Howe, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, has written to the members of Trinity Episcopal Church Vero Beach, Florida –

“It was agreed that those who wish to disaffiliate from The Episcopal Church will do so as of July 1, 2008. They will leave the historic Trinity Episcopal Church property and organize as a new congregation elsewhere. …”

Read the full letter below –

A Letter from the Rt. Rev. John W. Howe
to the Members of Trinity Episcopal Church
Vero Beach, Florida
April 23, 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Representatives of the two contingents at Trinity Episcopal Church, Vero Beach, met all day yesterday with a professional mediator, former circuit judge, John Upchurch. Representing those planning to disaffiliate from The Episcopal Church were the Rector, Canon Lorne Coyle, and vestry member David Garfield, along with legal counsel Brian Bolton and Pat Muldowney. Representing those planning to remain members of The Episcopal Church were Warren Winchester and legal counsel William Gridley. I represented the Diocese of Central Florida along with our legal counsel Chancellor Butch Wooten and Vice Chancellor William Grimm.

It was agreed that those who wish to disaffiliate from The Episcopal Church will do so as of July 1, 2008. They will leave the historic Trinity Episcopal Church property and organize as a new congregation elsewhere.

The details of today’s mediation agreement must be ratified by both contingents: Trinity’s present vestry on the one hand, and representatives to be elected by the continuing congregation at a meeting to be held in the Trinity Chapel on May 4 at 11 a.m.

Upon such ratification by both contingents the details of today’s agreement will be made public.

Further details regarding the election, including a slate of candidates being proposed for election, will be forthcoming.

I believe that today’s mediation has brought us to an agreement that can lead to an amicable separation.

Warmest regards in our Lord,
+ John W. Howe

– Text and photo from the Diocese of Central Florida.