Vancouver Island priests inhibited

Posted on February 17, 2008 
Filed under News

Ven. Sharon A. HaytonThe two priests of St Mary of the Incarnation, in Victoria (Metchosin) were inhibited late Friday afternoon by Diocesan Archdeacon, the Venerable Bruce Bryant-Scott.

The Venerable Sharon Hayton, rector, (pictured) and the Rev Andrew Hewlett, assistant priest, received notice late Friday afternoon (February 15), that disciplinary action was being commenced against them although no charge was given under the Church’s canons.

Prior to receiving the letter, the clergy had been summoned to meet with the Archdeacon, in the Bishop’s absence, and were told to stop any motion called for by parishioners which would affect their future in the Anglican Church of Canada. Parish members are considering accepting the offer of episcopal oversight (pastoral care) from Bishop Donald Harvey, moderator of the Anglican Network in Canada, under the Primatial authority of Archbishop Gregory Venables and the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone. The parish meeting to consider this motion is tomorrow, Sunday, February 17, at 2pm.

“We’ve seen the leadership of the Anglican Church of Canada and this diocese moving in a direction that is very different from classical Christianity,” said Bud Boomer, a long-time member of St Mary’s. “They are diminishing Christ, redefining what it means to be a Christian, and reinterpreting the Bible. Now to see such appalling heavy-handed bullying is incredibly disappointing. I’m afraid this simply confirms our worst fears.”

The letter from the archdeacon, acting on behalf of Bishop James Cowan, said in part, “I am inhibiting you from performing the duties of your office in this diocese… To be explicit, this means that you may not function as an ordained priest, and may not act as… priest of the parish of St. Mary of the Incarnation, Metchosin… you are not to discuss this matter with any parishioner of St. Mary of the Incarnation, Metchosin… Further, I direct that you stay away from the premises of the parish…”

This action follows Wednesday’s decision by St John’s (Shaughnessy) in Vancouver – the largest Anglican congregation in Canada – to accept episcopal oversight from Bishop Harvey. Other Canadian parishes are also voting on this offer today and in the coming weeks.

Press release from The Anglican Network in Canada.

(Photo: Diocese of British Columbia.)