
Posted on January 17, 2014 
Filed under Opinion, Theology

David Cook“During my 26 years working at SMBC, a number of students, from the same era, commented independently to me, that SMBC at their particular time, was in a ‘golden era’. At the time I disregarded this as a flush of student enthusiasm. On reflection, however, I agree that it was, at that time at the College, a ‘golden era’!

Lots of things contributed to making the era what it was, at Faculty, Administration and Student level, but above all, the health of any Christian training college is determined by its strength in the area of Systematic Theology.  It was our strength in systematics which made that era, golden.

Bible coverage, the study of Greek and Hebrew, practical studies are all important, but it is Systematic Theology which unites them all. To be a productive pastor, missionary or preacher, one must have an in-depth knowledge of Systematics.

Broughton Knox, Principal at Moore Theological College (1959 – 1985), my Principal, proved that; every student of that era will tell you how Dr Knox’s first year doctrine lectures were such a vital component in his/her own maturing understanding. …”

– David Cook, Moderator General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, writes about the key place of Theology – in his Moderator Comments (scroll down to the post for 31 December 2013).