‘The Ugandans remember’

Posted on January 21, 2016 
Filed under Anglican Communion, GAFCON

In this week’s video chat (Anglican Unscripted) between Anglican TV’s Kevin Kallsen and Anglican Ink’s George Conger, the topic is the Primates’ Meeting, and the TEC response.

They ask if the exclusion of TEC from certain kinds of participation is a consequence (as the Archbishop of Canterbury says) or discipline? They also respond to suggestions from some in North America that only the Anglican Consultative Council, and not the Primates, has authority to act on these matters.

Watch it here. 18 minutes.


Legalism v. love — Peter Ould on responses to the Canterbury communiqueAnglican Ink.

“Here’s two simple things to remember.

i) They’re absolutely right (the ones who claim the Primates have no statutory power to demand such a sanction / consequence)

ii) It doesn’t matter in the slightest, the sanction / consequence is still going to happen because the force behind them is not one of law but one of love…”

A grubby little incident – by Robert Tong at SydneyAnglicans.net, on the 2009 Anglican Consultative Council -14 meeting in Jamaica.

“In a naked display of political power, the American Episcopal Church leadership stopped the Rev Philip Ashey, the clergy representative of the Province of Uganda, from taking his place at the 14th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council held in Jamaica…”