The two resolutions you need and the 65 you don’t

Posted on January 16, 2024 
Filed under Encouragement

“ ‘The 65 best New Year’s resolutions for 2024’ shouted the headline on the internet site I was surfing. I was intrigued. Mainly because 65 seemed such an odd number. The suggestions included drinking less alcohol, drinking more water, exercising more, reading more and 61 other things – usually with the word ‘more’ attached.

If you are a Christian, chances are your resolutions would include reading the Bible more and praying more. I’m reluctant to write about the quiet time because it has always seemed that most other people were more ‘spiritual’ than me (as measured by the time they spent in Bible reading and prayer).

Guilt trips aside, out of the 65 (or more!) New Year’s resolutions you could make, none will be more beneficial than …”

– At, Russell Powell suggests two resolutions (New Year or not) which will be a blessing.

While you might guess what they are, he also shares some practical help, so do read away.