The Moon is Always Round

Posted on September 27, 2019 
Filed under Resources

“In one of those wonderful gifts of God in the midst of darkness, I received a copy of Jonny Gibson’s book The Moon is Always Round only a day before hearing that the New South Wales parliament had failed to protect the most vulnerable in society and had passed its Abortion Bill.

Though the Bill received some significant amendments, its basic thrust remains and we have descended further into a culture of death where life has no intrinsic value, only what we decide to give it. If you want this child, that’s OK. Go ahead and carry the child to full term and share your life with her or him. But if you do not want this child, for whatever reason, then this life is expendable, disposable. It was a tragic piece of news to hear that this Bill had been passed. The darkness encroaches even further.

Enter Jonny Gibson’s book. …”

– Moore College Principal Dr Mark Thompson commends a book about a sensitive and important topic.

It’s available locally from Reformers Bookshop.

David Ould also has a review.:

“In The Moon is Always Round Jonathan Gibson has given us a fine gift – the tragedy of the stillbirth of his daughter turned into a book to help children process suffering.

Illustrated beautifully by Joe Hox, Gibson takes us through the story of that loss through the eyes of his son Ben, using the waxing and waning of the moon as an illustration of something that we can’t always see but we know is always there.”