The Life of Faith — by Peter Jensen

Posted on February 23, 2023 
Filed under Resources, Theology

New from Matthias Media, The Life of Faith by Peter Jensen.

“An introductory-level systematic theology from one of the evangelical world’s most influential theologians, perfect for the keen layperson but with enough depth and stimulation to be relevant and interesting for full-time gospel workers.

The Life of Faith sits within the tradition of books like In Understanding Be Men by TC Hammond and Concise Theology by JI Packer, written for today’s audience.”

We’re sure there’ll be much more said about this book which will be launched at Moore College on Tuesday 14th March, but is available to order now.

See the Matthias Media website for all the details.

Also see the Recommendations, including this one from William Taylor, Rector of St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in, London –

“This is a magnificent book. There is gold on every page. For those who benefitted from the blessing of being taught by Peter Jensen at Moore College it will be a must-have – if only to remind of privileges once enjoyed. Those who missed such riches now can play catch up. Knowledge of God is the beautiful theme – through the Scriptures, in salvation, as Lord and by faith.

This is no dry textbook. Every page drives towards practical knowledge of the living God. It will fill your mind, delight your soul and, above all, enrich your relationship with God.”