Can Evangelical Chaplains serve God and Country? — The Crisis Arrives

Posted on September 18, 2013 
Filed under Opinion

Albert Mohler“The repeal of the military’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy, coupled with the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional, set the stage for this crisis. The full normalization of same-sex relationships within the U.S. military is part of the unprecedented moral revolution that is now reshaping American culture at virtually every level.

The crisis in the chaplaincy arrived with these developments. The presenting issue is clear: Can a chaplain committed to historic biblical Christianity remain in military service? Does the normalization of homosexuality require that all members of the military, including chaplains, join the moral revolution, even if doing so requires them to abandon their biblical convictions? …”

Albert Mohler looks at an issue which will not stay confined to the US military chaplaincy.

Related: ‘Gay head priest shows how far Canadian military has come