‘Tasmanian Lower House set to back gay marriage’

Posted on September 20, 2011 
Filed under Australia

From ABC News:

“Tasmania’s Lower House looks likely to become the first in Australia to vote in support of same-sex marriage. Labor has indicated it will support a motion from its state power-sharing partners the Greens, who have tried and failed to introduce state-based same-sex marriage legislation in the past…”

And a Media Release from the Diocese of Tasmania:


The Anglican Bishop of Tasmania, the Right Reverend John Harrower has spoken out in response to the motion tabled by Mr. Nick McKim in the House of Assembly today.

Bishop Harrower said, “I call upon the parliament to not support this motion.

“I have consistently upheld the Church’s affirmation of the definition under the Marriage Act that marriage is the union between a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life. 

“I have also consistently supported the recognition of gay and lesbian relationships and have advocated for appropriate legal protection for gay and lesbian couples in areas where there was formerly discrimination.”

Bishop Harrower said, “Mr McKim’s call for “Marriage Equality” is disingenuous. What he intends is a redefinition of marriage itself. Redefining marriage does very little, if anything, to extend rights or equality before the law. It appears to be less about extending rights to a minority and more about compelling all to conform to a novel and unnecessary view.

“The institution of marriage is much more than the expression of private love but is a responsibility and a commitment of a particular sort within society. Redefining marriage will disenfranchise those who have embraced and value that particular form of commitment.” (Source.)