St. Hilda’s Anglican Church isn’t just in a theological battle

Posted on February 23, 2008 
Filed under News

Rev. Paul CharbonneauThe first sign that St. Hilda’s Anglican Church is under siege is a posting on its front door warning locksmiths who may arrive to change the locks to think twice. The posting said they are walking into the middle of a ‘legal dispute’ between the parish and the Diocese of Niagara and anyone who fools with church property could be liable. …

“I’m not supposed to be on the church property, I’m not allowed to minister in Canada, and I am not to speak disparagingly against the bishops, other priests, or the Anglican Church of Canada,” Rev. Charbonneau explained. …

Full story from The National Post.

From the St. Hilda’s website:

“As far as the congregation of St. Hilda’s is concerned, Pastor Paul is a man of God and, in spite of being ‘suspended’ by the Diocese of Niagara, is still our Pastor.”

(Photo courtesy St. Hilda’s Oakville.)