Slip, slop, slap for sustainable sacrifice

Posted on August 20, 2016 
Filed under Resources

zeal-without-burnout“I keep hearing heartbreaking reports of burnout among Christian ministers.

Christopher Ash’s book Zeal without Burnout is a very short, but very good, biblical and pastoral reflection on the topic. He talks about his own experience of burnout, and includes lots of stories from others in Christian ministry.

He argues that we should be thinking in terms of “sustainable sacrifice,” i.e. “the sort of self-giving living that God enables me to go on giving day after day” (p. 26).

His chapter titles are nuggets of gold in and of themselves …”

– Lionel Windsor begins “a series of blog posts about how I try to put ‘sustainable sacrifice’ into effect on the ground”. Keep an eye on it at Forget the Channel.