Second Australian woman bishop announced

Posted on April 25, 2008 
Filed under News

Barbara DarlingThis press release has just been issued by Anglican Media Melbourne –

“The Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr Philip Freier, has announced the appointment of Canon Barbara Darling as an assistant bishop in the Diocese of Melbourne. She is currently the vicar of the parish of St James’, Dandenong.

Canon Darling (60) is only the second woman to be made a bishop in Australia, following the recent appointment of Archdeacon Kay Goldsworthy as an assistant bishop in the Diocese of Perth. Canon Darling will be consecrated as a bishop on 31 May in St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne. …”

Read it all here. Canon Darling will be the second woman bishop in Australia.

(The first Australian woman bishop, Kay Goldsworthy, was announced on April 11. At that time, ACL President Dr Mark Thompson said that the Perth decision add “a new level of difficulty to the relationship between the various dioceses in the Anglican Church of Australia and raises a series of significant issues of conscience for those committed to living out the teaching of Scripture, rejoicing in that teaching as God’s good word to us”.)

Update: See also “Women Bishops in Australia” by David Ould, at Stand Firm.