School Chaplains challenged again in High Court

Posted on September 21, 2013 
Filed under Australia

Back our Chappies“Scripture Union Queensland (SU QLD) will again defend national school chaplaincy in the High Court of Australia this month, with the first directions hearing to be held in Sydney on 20 September.

Ron Williams, the man behind the High Court Challenge, announced on his Facebook page in August that a Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim had been issued to the Commonwealth of Australia (First Defendant), the Minister for Education (Second Defendant) and SU QLD (Third Defendant). …”

– Report from Bible Society Australia.

And now SU Queensland is seeking support, and you can request an Advocacy kit.

“SU QLD is again being forced to attend the High Court of Australia to defend the vital program of school chaplaincy. This second challenge has the potential to impact the funding of thousands of chaplains across the nation who support and encourage our students every day. 

Once again this is due to one person’s desire to take the choice of chaplaincy away from schools across the nation.

During the first High Court case, a Toowoomba resident asserted that cabinet-approved payments for chaplains were unconstitutional. The court did agree that something more than cabinet approval of chaplaincy funding was needed and less than a week after the verdict, both sides of parliament responded to correct this: passing new legislation.

It was a great win for the future of chaplaincy in our nation… and for the countless students who could continue to turn to their chappy for help and support!

Now, the same Toowoomba resident is contesting that new legislation. They are also arguing that, even if the legislation itself is valid, school chaplaincy should not be one of the programs it covers.

And it’s not just school chaplaincy at stake here! More than 450 federal programs are at risk, including 82 educational programs such as child care services; autism assistance; student wellbeing services; and indigenous education programs. …”